Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1085

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sacrifice of these d 771 9 she lingers my d 527 11 swift d. that dart 368 10 the heart d 44 12 to make the people happy 333 3 unequal to vast d 72 21 vivacity of earthly d 771 9 wings it with sublime d 535 8 Desirest-more than thou d 414 27 Desiring-still d. we live 375 24 Desirous-still, still impotent 259 8 Desirs-bonnes volontes ou d 362 12 Desk-at the d.'s dead wood 910 3 but a d. to write upon 899 10 pallets formed d. and chair. . . .597 11 stick close to your d 550 11 Desks-to d. Apollo's sons repair. .540 11 Desolate-beautiful are never d. . . 57 22 life is dreary and d 189 22 no one so utterly d 263 9 none are so d 189 21 sitting by d. streams 538 18 Desolation-abomination of d 189 24 Babylon in all its d 513 20 my d. does begin to make 189 25 Despair-and d. most fits 244 3 and eternity's d 321 12 better to hope than d 376 1 brother devil to D 200 14 comfortless d 517 25 conscience wakes d 130 22 cowardly rush to d 83 15 crushes into dumb d 626 19 depths of some divine d 783 14 drive him to d 463 1 falsehood and d. meet in 403 8 felt from hope and from d 756 7 grim and comfortless d 518 11 groaning cargo of d 704 6 hear'st thou accents of d 625 16 heaven quits us in d 576 4 heritage of old age d 13 19 Hope changed for D 292 18 in Arab language is d 403 7 in ashes of d 272 28 I shall d 598 13 let no one d 377 11 mischief than d 200 9 our hope but sad d 377 15 question of D 215 8 resolution from d 376 18 shall I wasting in d 897 15 sorrow hates d 886 6 the message of d ' 691 19 there breathes d 375 11 two gods . . . Poverty and D.324 3 was in utter d 31 16 where Reason would d 473 9 where seraphs might d 487 8 worse than d 377 20 your life with dry d 570 16 see also Despair pp. 189, 190 Despaired-no one a. of 444 23 Despaireth-idleness ever d 425 8 Despairing-ghosts complain 541 8 of his fee tomorrow 502 18 soul shut out 873 4 Despatchful-with d. looks 379 14 Desperandum-nulli d. ( quam diu.444 23 Desperate-except in a d. case. . . .585 3 ills demand 197 19 leads will to d. undertakings. . .478 4 like Curtius, d. in my zeal 329 5 marriage is a d. thing 499 2 to enter thoughts of d. men — 517 10 Desperatest-is wisest 502 6 Desperatio-ad moriendum 190 8 Desperation-need to d. driveth. . 11 14 Desperationem-ad d. formidine. . 83 15 Despicable-nor d. state 861 1 Despierte-nadie la d 518 24 Despise-all who have vices 831 21 aught humane d 595 12 dost thou d. the earth 428 7 fools thy power d 481 16 genius can never d. labour 310 3 human affairs 350 16 I d. m ankin d 619 5 me, I'm the prouder 632 7 more manly to d 672 2 nor do the low d 310 19 not the gods 415 9 thee and thy suit 899 11 the human race 320 15 what love commands 475 12 yet thyself d 194 24 Despised-day of Bmall things. . . .816 9 I like to bed 632 7 in the sunshine hour 574 17 pang of d. love 483 20 when it is d 160 7 Despises-he who d. one 460 13 what he sought 94 16 Despiseth-small things will perish.815 8 to obey his mother 564 20 Despising-doleful dumps 536 20 each d.each 144 21 Despite-immortal in his own d.. .701 17 Despond-slough was D 190 1 Despondent-a dull d. flock 460 25 Despot-o'er the D.'s crown 430 9 's wickedness cornea 825 13 Despotic-gave to the man d 498 8 Despotism-of vice 825 5 one species of d 332 4 tempered by assassination 334 9 Dessein-d'un grand d. un mot. . .905 26 l'effet d'un grand d 7 12 Dessert-is not so pleasant 214 2 Destin-durant un d. prospSre 665 17 ont Ie pire d 679 21 auo d. fugge 190 19 Destinaretur-qui proximus d 623 17 Destinatarum-multo ante d 242 7 Destination-hell for his d 704 2 Destined-if I am d. to be happy. . 389 2 one d. period 170 24 Destines-when Fated, one to ruin.396 11 Destinies-are fraught with fear. . 127 21 Destiny-and hanging go by d.. . .496 6 as inevitable as d 257 22 character is d 346 24 fame . . . is d 257 22 have the saddest d 679 21 ignorant of fate and d 516 12 interweaving our d 753 14 marriage is d. made in 498 1 meets the eagle's d 664 8 one Constitution one D 828 10 sow characters, and reap d.. . .347 9 this day we fashion d 265 15 Thought, D. and the Grave. . .707 27 see also Destiny pp. 190-192 Destitute-of proportion in its 756 24 Destroy-a breath can d 913 4 all consuming time d 389 13 all creatures 644 14 everything rather than yield. ..118 2 man's nobility 315 16 one to d. is murder 535 6 safer be that which we d 409 25 the Bpirit utterly 96 15 to d. the Government 563 18 tree they cling about 869 19 whom Jupiter would d 397 11 Destroyed-and cannot be d 509 18 by Time's devouring hand. . . .792 10 Carthage should be d 569 20 in the place 295 16 it cannot be d 819 23 magnificent to be d 921 18 missiles of wicked are d 75 19 sadly, cruelly d 203 1 so cowardly 855 20 when once d 913 19 Destroyer-of other men's 461 15 Destroying-our corn or wine .... 662 6 Destroys-creates, preserves, d.. . .455 16 first d. their mind 396 7 the mighty 316 13 Destruction-depths of d 179 20 everything threatened d 660 22 great affairs brought to d 289 17 hasten to d 263 12 of the poor is their 621 24 plot the d. of others 672 13 pride goeth before d 632 18 principles usher to d 612 12 startles at d 388 3 than by d. dwell in 409 25 that wasteth at noonday 159 10 to d. of his neighbor 644 19 waste and d. to themselves. . . .630 15 way that leadeth to d 448 8 Destructive-damnable . . . woman . 892 8 peace more d. of manhood 589 3 smiling d. man 490 12 time destroy. 795 6 Desuetude-of almost innocuous d.431 3 Desultory-mind of d. man 830 23 Detail-fripons en d 102 18 each mean d 185 26 that's a financyal d.. 845 21 Details-small and insignificant d.705 13 Detect-in the moment you d 450 7 we scarcely d. it 448 12 Detectives-while medical d 502 19 Detector-of the heart 181 2 Detegit-cautior fuerit, d 811 17 Deter-as an example to d 243 8 Deteriora-ad d. oredenda 268 20 sequor 102 22 Deterioration-of government 333 12 Deterioris-timor eventus d 290 26 Determination-has good d 184 10 was my unalterable d 584 21 Determine-on some course 184 15 our deeds d. us 185 17 though men d 262 20 us as much as we d 185 17 Determined-that wheresoever. . .295 22 to some particular d 309 7 Determines-assembly so d 66 17 how I love 468 16 Detest-the pageantry of a king. . 332 9 they d. at leisure 354 9 Detested-that man is d. by me. .742 18 Detests-heart d . him as the gates . 486 4 Detract-poor power to add or d. . 727 12 Detraction-will not suffer it 374 19 Detruire-qu'un soufHe peut d.. .913 4 Deuce-way the d. was to pay.. . .368 9 Deum-cor levat ad D 424 1 desine fata d. flecti 629 2 et reperire d. nisi 318 11 Deus-audentes d. ipse juvat 83 9 bene est, cui D. obtulit 690 19 dextra mini D 350 9 dominans in nobis d 166 10 en D. aut custos angelus 287 15 est in pectore 738 12 est d., occultos spes 712 8 ex machina 323 7 ferit leviora d 651 16 hffic fortasse benigna 94 18 his quoque finem 306 10 ille princeps, parens 743 22 intentus open suo D 10 4 nee d. intersit nisi 322 15 nobis haec otia fecit 667 6 nocte premit d 305 2 O Domine D., speravi 626 22 praemere f elices d 638 2 propitius esto mini 711 4 puras d. non plenas 350 8 qusedam munera 313 1 sed regit astra D 93 20 tanquem d. videat 131 10 thuris honore d 318 22 ultor a tergo d 651 15 see also God pp. 315-321 Deutschen-furchten Gott 311 14 Deutschland-setzen wir D 311 13 amour un egoisme kd 476 25 Develop-take him to d 217 20 in the form of a sheaf 441 18 Development-law of d 842 6 life and d. in history. 843 6 not exploitation 333 16 of the doctrine 918 • 4 Device-interpret your d 321 21 powerful than d. of man 551 9 strange d., Excelsior 20 19 Devices-by fine d. in his head , . .491 13 safe from all d. human 284 3 ■ still are overthrown 264 19 Devil-a chapel hath raised 118 8 always builds a chapel 118 7 a monk was he 159 12 and all his works 912 7 and a mid-day d 870 9 and Shakespeare 919 14 and the deep sea 113 13 at everything 1 11 at the d.'s booth 127 23 at the helm 704 2 balance with the d 130 9 boasteth of it, is a d 711 l builds a chapel 118 11 can cite Scripture 654 21 can the d. speak 821 23 can throw at a man 542 14