Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1104

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1066 ENLARGER EQUIVOCATION Enlarger-of the common life 617 13 Enlarges-fancy's beam e 260 12 the patrimony of 461 15 Enlisted-fact, e. on your Bide 755 2 Enliven-days of man's pilgrimage885 20 Enmitiea-of twenty generations. .118 14 Enmity-potter at e. with potter . 86 6 Ennemis-ouvrez a vos e 854 6 Bee also Enemy pp. 221, 222 Ennobled-by himself 753 7 Ennui-a scholar knows no e 436 11 born from uniformity 81 4 inconstancy, e. anxiety 449 19 . l'e. naquit un jour 81 4 Ennuient-ne s'e. point 471 22 Ennuye^de peur d'etre e 724 10 Ennuyer-le secret d'e 778 18 fnnuyeux-hors le genre e 759 2 nonce-congoitbiens'eclairment 572 IS Enormous-a mass e.! 756 8 corrector of e. times 841 22 Enough-as much as is e 690 19 cries, "Hold, e.!" 856 23 cry out itself e 12 11 fortune gives e. to none 290 22 give us e. but with sparing 520 21 is as good as a feast. . .214 1, 381 23 let him who has e 134 19 never gave e. to any 290 4 quick e. if good e 353 20 that's e 690 20 to live comfortably 135 9 Enquerir-s'e. de Dieu 153 24 Enraged-an e. woman can 897 5 rude rabble are e 649 6 Enrich-me with the knowledge. .547 22 not the heart 12 3 the time to come 306 2 to e. unknowing nations 426 4 Enriches-of that which not e 543 14 sanctifies and e. it 587 22 Enriching-and building up 424 6 Ennchment-of our native 903 12 Ensanguined-bier is vacant in. . .769 20 hearts 89 19 Ensign-beauty's e. yet is 177 27 glorious e. of the Republic 275 16 keep the deep e. flying 274 9 tear her tattered e 274 14 the imperial e 275 4 Ensigns-under spreading e 275 6 Enshrined-in it are e 507 14 in its own nectar 64 9 Enslave-amuse not e. the mind. . 90 1 fight not toe 853 4 impossible to e 216 18 it more than most. active 485 4 Enslavement-for e. of a nation. . . 334 23 Enslaves-on imperial principles. .225 4 Enslaving-signet of its all e 325 23 Entail-cut e. from all remainders. 284 29 Entailed-ne'er e. from son to son. 435 18 Entangle-and hold the poor and .430 13 Entangled-middle-sized are e. in.434 G Entangling-alliances with none. .753 6 Entbehren-^ollst du 784 17 Entend-n'e. que le silence 708 11 Entendeur-a bon e. ne faut 374 7 Entendre-d' e. la voix des lois . . .432 is on se fait e 743 7 Entente-producing an e. cordiale 752 18 Enter-all ye who e. here 375 23 although I e. not 244 9 cannot e. now 187 23 careful ere ye e. in 279 19 never e. into his eternal 70 15 Entering-welcome thy e 270 6 Enterprise-heroic e. is gone 584 2 5 in a common e 23 7 life-blood of our e 706 20 of liberty 23 7 of noble o 874 20 ounce of o. is worth 920 1 private e. ought to remedy 910 B Enterprises-exploitsandmightye.924 4 impediments to great e 495 20 inconsiderate e. are 87 14 in great e. the attempt 253 3 late starting with e 850 l of groat pith 131 11 Enterra-qui 1* e., pleura 683 l Enters-nought o. there 479 25 whereinto no one e 508 13 Entertuin-address yourself to e . . 345 16 do not so e. thyself 445 11 for one of my hundred 261 21 tickle and e. us 48 6 Entertained-and he e. all men. . .379 9 angels unawares 26 14 gladly e. by men 308 16 Entertainment-custom of e 206 20 dull thy palm with e 299 20 Enthralled-freeborn lover's mind. 86 24 Enthroned-in hearts of kings 510 12 Enthrones-him in the sky 388 20 Enthusiasm-in the e. of genius.. .308 12 miracles of e 105 3 parent of genius 730 14 solitude, nurse of e 730 14 see also Enthusiasm p. 226 Enthusiasms-and the purest e . . . 573 11 Enthusiast-'s pensive eye 740 17 see also Enthusiasm p. 226 Entice-if sinners e. thee 711 18 Enticement-method of e 752 20 Entiees-succesB e. many 761 8 Enticing-luxury is an e. pleasure. 485 6 Entire-in all things 693 8 Entitled-them to the reBpect . . . .862 7 Entity-and quiddity 34 1 Entombed-in celestial breasts. . . . 564 26 Entrails-from their own e. spin. .775 22 ine. heart or head 389 10 while the dripping e. burn 325 4 Entrance-can buy you e. there. . . 39 7 fatal e. of Duncan 656 13 wisdom at one e 546 10 Entranced-nations heard e 538 21 Entrancing-our senses with 541 1 Entre-on e., on crie 443 1 Entreat-and e. for me 598 11 cannot e. without myself 296 20 not missed by any that e 661 16 Entreats-commandswhenhee...622 20 Entry-of his good deeds .... 186 18 Entzwei-und gebiete 827 15 Enviest-fortune thou e. the 292 2 Envied-pitied who now are e 342 21 that man little to be e 586 4 Envieth-charity e. not 107 4 Envious-at the mercy of the e. . .257 19 must feel it 257 18 rent the e. Casca 153 2 see also Envy pp. 226, 227 Envy-*s a sharper spur 48 24 attracts e. of the world 22 5 dared not hate 861 1 disgrace ... to e. virtue 835 23 do not e. your fortune 293 8 draw such e. as the lock.! . . . .348 21 free from e. of a palace 520 6 from e., hatred, malice 239 14 in e. of great Caesar 560 6 is to endure e 685 18 looked up to with e 134 7 make e. and crooked malice . . . 492 2 means lie too low for e 520 3 me not the little 230 3 no man's happiness 135 12 no mortal object of e 324 2 of the great 731 24 on whom cast with e 373 17 pride, e., and avarice 239 24 sick of e. and praise 15 17 the great. 310 19 fvoid of e., guile and lust 609 1 well might e. thee 54 8 whom E. must commend 297 5 wish e. Time transported 900 3 with fame . . . e. grows 259 20 you die with e 262 16 see also Envy pp. 226, 227 Enwheel-thee round 335 20 ]§paules-les portons sur nos € 341 7 ]§pee-d'avantage sur Tepee 592 21 des coups d' e" 815 12 une 6. dont la poignee 662 21 Ephesian-fired the E . dome 256 20 Ephesians-Diana of the E 321 9 Ephesus-mournedthedameofE,899 20 Ephippia-optat e. bos piger 94 17 Ephraim-gleaning of grapes of E . 336 3 Epio-'s stately rhyme 604 20 ]£picior-ne homme, mort 6 229 7 Epicure-judicious e 212 24 the e. would Bay 215 1, 444 6 Epicurean-cooks sharpen 36 18 glorious e. paradox 579 6 Epicureanism-of reason 214 6 Epicureans-that ascribed the 119 16 Epicuri-de grege porcum 775 3 Epicurisme^de la raison 214 6 Epicurus-fattest hog inE.'s sty. .775 4 hog from E.'s herd 775 3 Epidemics-e. of nobleness 559 15 Epigram-see pp. 227-229 Epilogue-good play needs no e.. . 5 12 fipingle-coups d'e" 815 12 Episode-an e. in man's 481 8 dans celle des homines 481 8 Epistle-pencilled this e. rare 597 11 Epitaph-A woman or an E 150 2 believe a woman or ane 887 23 better have a bad e 5 14 drear, "A fool lies" 115 12 every book is thy e 440 9 hang her an e 234 11 let no man write my e.230 10, 234 15 Spartan's e. on me 229 11 thine e. shall be 229 10 where's his e 229 13 worshipp'd with waxen e. 234 8 write my e 234 9 write thy e. in blood 342 23 Epitaphs-and worms 921 15 out characters written 687 4 graves, of worms and e 234 12 hang mournful e., 234 10 Epithet-coined an e. for a knave. 542 23 glorious republican e. S61 7 Epitome-all mankind's e 99 4 the e. of our times 462 15 Epitomize-man's left to e 71 5 Epoch-in every e. of the world... 787 19 Epochs-actions are our e 793 2 ]5pouse-une 6. qui ne m'a 869 23 Equal-all e. in their happiness. . . 352 9 all evils are e 239 23 all men are created e.. .236 3 675 3 amount of wealth 864 23 and partner to be 888 15 behold an e. thing 10 4 being e. to a reinforcement 393 12 chance of war is e 847 19 division of unequal 611 18 have e. right to live 444 11 in the dust be e. 178 11 makes e. the high and low 914 1 marry wisely, marry thine e.. . .498 15 right to the use of land 424 14 seek Alcides* e 104 2 sovereign States 827 8 taken from his side 897 12 they are e. in men 333 16 this is no longer e, 825 10 though e. to all things. 100 1 to an e. for assistance 145 12 to be e. with him 890 5 to forty thousand men 393 12 to God 225 15 to the whole of commerce 22 5 Equality-liberty, e., fraternity. . .585 11 principle of which is e. 833 16 require e. of years 498 4 see also Equality pp. 235, 236 Equalled-by infernal constancy. .480 15 Equals-bounds, connects and e. all319 9 lynx-eyed toward e. 151 3 peace between e. can last 833 16 those whom guilt stains it e. . .346 3 Equanimity-atlast comes e 15 14 bear with e 144 1 vicissitudes with e. 291 22 Equator-as far as thee 549 20 on the high e. ridgy, rise 547 23 speak disrespectfully of e 744 10 Eques-viam qua monstret e 779 16 Equi-noli e. dentes 312 6 pati frena docentur e 797 2 Equibus-est in e. patrum 24 14 Equinoctials-as the e. blows 52 10 Equip-let him e. two things 86 25 Equipage-conduct and e 98 5 unhorse the gilded e 614 16 Equitable-so e. a basis 832 17 Equity-of their cause 832 17 prompt sense of e 414 16 Equivalent-more than e. to force.421 16 Equivocal-but in e. shapes 912 12 Equivocate-I will not e 668 19 Equivocation-of the fiend 771 7