Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1114

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1076 FAMILIES FATALIS Families-are our upper crust 724 4 gold in f. debate 325 10 in the best regulated f 3 16 occasionally to run in f 534 13 of yesterday 24 9 Famille-caro'cst en f 612 16 Family-bond of the scattered f.. .617 13 children of one f 112 20 display of f. portraits 24 17 happier for his presence 453 20 inherits f. traditions 24 12 in the f . of nations 861 3 kill a man's f 786 7 never made a man great 25 11 of delinquencies 670 27 ruddy f. around 211 17 sensitive f . of genius 697 1 the f. of pain 515 14 then the whole f 496 15 your f.'s old monument 234 10 Family-Tree-thrifty fem'ly-tree. . 24 18 Famine-die by f . die^y inches , . . 381 27 HiB f. sholud be filled 172 18 out of the dearth and the f . . . . 175 8 plague, pestilence and f ...*... . 857 6 who in a time of f 595 15 world's f. feed 818 8 Famished-at a feast 195 23 people must be slowly 210 18 Famous-for all time 67 25 man is Robin Hood 56 18 to all ages 217 13 see also Fame pp. 256-259 Famulum-felix quisquis novit f..291 22 Fan-Above her f 139 18 and jewelled f .' 307 14 find and f. it to a blaze 666 8 the sinking tiame. 301 17 worthier ntaf 145 10 Fanatics-in freakish hands of f.. .438 19 Fancied-feel pain of f. scorn. 74 3 Fancies-and cage cold f. 721 8 fear of feeble f. full 269 29 glorious f. come from for 473 2 inwrought with placid i 870 25 our f . are more giddy 500 1 own choice words and f 279 16 thy conflagrate f 53 1 to his own dark f . a prey 555 6 weave our f., so and so 787 6 web which poysonous f 257 11 where our f. roam 238 4 with thick-coming f 503 26 Fancy-checks wandering f 805 16 draws what e'er the Grecian. . . 60 17 every one has his own f 570 6 expressed in f 33 5 fondness for the child 45 7 fold a vain foolish f 325 20 ope is theirs by f. fed 376 5 in Spring young man's f 748 11 interludes which f 202 12 lent it grace 659 16 let f . float on this aeolian 535 3 7 make one's f. chuckle 134 2 meditation, f. free 504 13 misled by F.'s meteor-ray 455 17 more than F.'s load 618 11 mould of a friend's f 122 15 never better pleased 304 14 of most excellent f 405 9 one of these lives is a f 450 14 on f.'B boldest wing 492 14 roams those southern 487 6 sense of justice is a noble f 415 6 Shakespeare, F.'s child 701 15 tea does. our f. aid 778 26 turn the leaves of F 476 18 we f. of ourselves 820 9 where'er f . bids him roam 395 3 which f.'s beams 202 26 with case we f. near 883 2 with prophetic glance 353 14 young F.'s rays hills adorning .442 11 . see also Fanoy p. 260 Fanda-omnia f., nefanda 321 16 Fandi-deos memores f 320 15 Ffine-no sacred f. requires us. . . .398 2 Kanes—ibove thy mighty dead. . .791 14 or f. of gold 693 10 Faneuil Hall-Cradle of libertv. . .439 15 Fang^ioy f . and churlish chiding . 878 2 Fannius-from his foe did fly 763 11 Fanny-only pretty F.'s way 493 19 Fantail-pouter, tumbler and f.. . .242 6 Fantasies-even the linked f 917 2 have our lightest f 260 9 hast no figures nor no f 720 7 Fantastic-alike f., if too new . . . .905 19 as a woman's mood 648 15 fickle, fierce and vain 648 15 light f. round 157 12 light f. toe 157 13 Fantastical-he is only f 261 14 is high f 260 16 words are a f. banquet 906 17 Fantasy-begot . . . of vain f 203 21 dove] all made of f 478 2 strayed in fitful f 540 23 Far-a falling man too f 433 16 and you will go f 613 3 as the breeze can bear 548 15 fo f. too f . you cannot 809 9 ere b to him that's f. awa' 846 13 now heard f . off 538 12 off divine event 147 24 off his coming shone 30 17 short and f. betweeD 326 15 too f . for me to know 320 19 Farce-and make a f. of all 449 18 follow'd comedy 4 9 is it not a noble f 915 5 laf. est jonce 174 17 low mimic follies of 5 1 Rank is a f 25 19 the f . is played 174 17 Fardeau-un pesant f 149 6 Pardel-newly found f. of life 55 4 Fardels-who would f . bear 176 9 Fare-boards fil'd with Lordly f . . . 379 8 boatman, come, thy f. receive.. 746 9 Gospel is good f 693 11 like my peers 442 9 thee well, the elements 261 5 thrice thy f. I gladly give 746 9 very hard is my f 828 12 when you receive a f 560 15 ye well and give applause 237 9 Farewell-a long f 341 15 and mercy sighed f "^75 10 bade the world f 294 19 bid f . to every fear 665 7 from sea to sky the wild f. 704 10 goes out sighing 867 27 Leicester Square 860 1 Love and all thy laws 484 3 my friends 53 18 no sadness of F 179 S O storms, f 354 16 takes f . of the glorious sun .... 529 25 the hopes of court 377 16 then f. Horace 265 19 vain world 231 12 see also FarweU p. 260, 261 Farewells-should be sudden 579 17 Faring-may ca' them vulgar f„ .273 9 Farm-language of their f. field. . .426 24 snug f . of the world 193 19 tof. our royal realm 686 4 upon his growing f 484 9 Farmer-burns his brush 45 2 chestnut in a f.'s fire 895 8 conducting his team 46 1

  • s daughter hath soft 56 9

every f. understands 907 18 fed like a f 215 3 first f . was first man 18 7 plants trees 18 4 praise his grounds 205 7 travelling with his load 484 9 who ne'er misses pray'rs 668 12 's wintry hoard 19 8 Farmers-are founders of 19 6 behind tavern screen 395 l embattl'd f. stood 845 23 would blaspheme 668 12 Farrohouse-at the garden's end. .723 3 Farrago-nostri est f. libelli 78 21 Farther-much wooed she is f . off . . 289 9 thus and no f 470 12 Farthest-the thing that goes f 722 9 Farthing-hold their f . candle .... 51 13 no other plan is worth a f 752 13 Farthingales-and things 33 8 Farthings-to the poor 383 17 Fascinate-blandishments . . ,f — 295 2? Fascinatos-I like work: it f. me. .909 19 Fasoination-to the f . of a name. .541 19 FascinationB-always have its f.. .859 15 Fascino-come agnel per f 227 8 Fash-he was f. and full 243 23 Fashion-after high Roman f 83 14 's brightest arts decoy 409 33 cobweb f. of the times 383 5 deeply put the f. on 689 25 faith but as f. of his hat 355 18 for maids in France 418 23 .hang quite out of f. 594 17 'has just come in f. 231 6 in f. square 304 13 in god-like f 753 20 it to what he it list 71 14 light of F.'s room 682 14 of liking Racine 461 23 never goes out of f 83 17 now become the f 276 23 religion is like the f 664 19 she detests 33 9 this day we f. destiny 265 15 what is f. of the shroud 464 8 world's new f. planted 220 8 see also Fashion p. 261 Fashionable-goes with f . owls, to. 575 2 time is like a f. host 799 19 Fashioned-for himself a bride 897 12 founder f . it 68 7 love hath f. your dear face 481 9 of the self-same dust 510 1 people are f. according 243 2 so slenderly 518 26 the first ploughshare 71 11 thou wert f. to beguile 890 15 Fashioneth-he f . their hearts alike.358 28 Fashions-customs and f . change. . 154 12 in words as f 905 19 nothing but new f. 815 4 of human affairs 291 18 study f. to adorn 261 23 Fast-and the world goes by 271 10 as men run mad 51 12 I f. as the Romans do 677 5 bind,f.find 640 1 coursers . . . will run too f. . .520 11 I f. on a Saturday 677 6 must f. till he is well 631 19 Borne only break their f. 231 13, 450 18 that spurs too f. betimes .354 5 to-morrow 213 22 too f. or slow 430 23 you the public f. defied 628 22 Fasten-him as a nail in a sure 646 1 on this sleeve of thine 499 5 Faster- glide than sun's beams 479 18 the f . it grows 89 12 Fastidio-minore f. alitur 515 16 Fastidious-arc unfortunate 690 22 Fastidium-arogantiamque magno.637 13 maximis f. finitimum 600 12 Fastigia-ad f. rerum extollit. . . .288 17 segnar f. rerum 286 21 Fasting-dry f . makes glum 204 14 man that is f 609 19 sciences, f . Monsieur knows . . . 564 12 Fasts-are done 210 2 weeps and shrouds herself 877 19 Fat- 's all in the fire 642 12 as a porpoise 215 3 bruit est pour le f 182 23 drives f . oxen should be f 575 4 every f. must stand 639 26 fair and fifty 871 5 fair and forty 870 14 feast of 1. things 212 9 I am resolved to grow f 888 21 Jeshurun waxed f. 344 6 laugh and be f 429 9, 430 3 more f. than bard becomes 609 1 ouvre un avis 10 14 round f. oily man of God 631 18 see me f. and shining 775 3 shall be made f 437 18 the f. in the fire 272 16 un f. celui que les sots 283 26 with the f . of others' works 598 19 Fata- desine f . deum fiecti 629 2 longa tempora f. dabunt 719 7 si post f. venit gloria 258 1 see also fate p. 261-265 Fatal-deal of it is absolutely f.. .712 16 gift of beauty 58 8 shafts unerring move 489 21 Fatalis-pwescripsit f. ordo 263 14