Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1173

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Indenture-this i. of my love 418 24 Independence-example of i 23 6 make up Declaration of 1 572 18 our National 1 368 9 see also Independence p. 391 Independent-celebrate I. Empire 861 15 in i. state 425 13 labor ... is i. and proud 425 25 on to-morrow 583 9 Indestructible-union composed . . 827 9 Index-a dab at an i 48 2G a necessary implement 974 3 essential dad I consider an i.. . .974 2 face the i. of a 251 3 howi. learning turns 692 2 marble i. of a mind 694 14 mere i. hunter 092 5 of a feeling mind 251 3 of a larger fact 59 12 of social position 826 7 owe most to good i 974 1 pointing at Him 767 20 thunders in the i 79 22 Indexes-though small pricks to , . 80 4 India-'s coral strand 663 9 exchange for treasures of 1 657 G Maid of I., blessed again 92 14 necklace an I. in itself 271 2 Indian-diamonds and I. stones . . 135 16 hand, like the base 1 479 4 like I adore 51 12 little I. sleepy-head 112 13 lo, the poor 1 319 8 prince has to his palace 786 6 range an I. waste _. 826 1 sea by isles of balm ....'. 577 16 song's I. summer 733 13 Summer, the dead 764 5 wear the I. moccasin 519 24 Indian Ocean-through I. O.'s bed553 10 Indian Pipe-see p. 391 Indians-this day to I. known. . . .271 24 Indicat-celat et i. idem 741 10 Indicative-of same personal 758 14 Indicted-others are not i 650 4 Indictment-against whole people.413 13 Indies-come from the 1 804 12 wealth of the 1 809 21 Indifference-certes don't 226 8 ill at ease under i 830 5 mood of vague i 563 3 morn and cold i. came 529 19 nymph I. bring 88 17 Indifferently-look on both i 113 24 Indigence-une i. d'esprit 405 2 Indigent-for numbers of i 407 2 nakedness of i. world 32 2 Indigestion-of i. bred 202 8 Indignant-I too am i 718 11 Indignatio-facit i. versum. 603 11 Indignation-incensed with i 193 4 leads to poetry 603 11 spit forth their iron i 856 16 Indigne-quae venit i. pcena 762 18 Indignor-et idem i. quandoque . .718 11 Indiscretion-offence that i. finds. 266 23 Indisertam-malo i. prudentiam. .645 11 Indispensable-factor in civifization842 7 stimulating law 842 6 Indisposeth-us for dying 442 4 Indisposition-melancholy is not i.505 18 bidividual-benefit of an i 817 13 depends on i. conduct 849 3 disappears before the state .... 858 16 greatness of the i 105 13 halts the i 378 7 history of every i. man 693 16 it is not the i 727 11 nation as to the i.. . . % 794 4 possessed by a single i... 332 5 private door into every i 398 10 stamp of the i 310 1 suffering i. compensated 652 1 the i. is foolish 647 6 who carries them 826 9 Individualities-may form 331 13 Individually-know man i 490 11 regarded i. or 43 20 Individuals-may deceive 183 11 when i. approach 136 13 Indoeti-ipsa nempe hoc i 672 6 laudat sermonem i 276 5 Indolence-see Idleness pp. 384, 385 Indolent-act of the i. not 433 6 to bear toil 49 9 vacuity of thought 788 2 Indomitably-on his instincts . , . .759 20 Induced-by potent ciroumstances222 11 Inducement-lose every i 373 18 Indulged-might be i 830 23 the most i 365 10 Indulgence-rare i. produces 601 2 Ind ulgent-comprendre rend tres i .289 2 for soft i. leisures 487 9 fortune never long i 291 18 to understand makes one i 289 2 Indus-sigh from I. to the Pole.. .219 2 Industria-utque alios i 384 22 Industrie-par sa propre i 760 15 Industriously-to try 201 18 Industry-acquired fame by i 384 22 by i. stored 134 7 by one's own i 760 15 creature of great i. . . . -. 30 14 in raising income 331 1 instrument of trade and i 617 12 light up the candle of i 438 14 nothing impossible to i 910 17 supports us all 909 7 that sweetens i 908 23 their bones with i 325 21 Inebriate-cheer but not i.778 12, 783 25 of air am 1 205 11 Inebriated-with exuberance 741 23 Inebriety-a moral i 226 8 Ineffable-in Light i 320 8 Inemtis-merito debentur i 337 1 Inepta-hsec est, nos quae 347 13 Inepto-risu i. reB ineptior 428 16 Inequalities-am I unfairnesses. . . .485 20 Inermem-in praelia trudit i 399 6 Inertia-strenuanosexerceti.384 12, 809 17 Inertise-paullum sepultce distat i. . 100 14 Inertis-est nescire. 433 6 Inevitable-as i. as destiny 257 22 await alike th' i. hour 338 12 change is i, in a 94 6 no good arguing with i 42 14 no such thing as i. war 849 5 success would be i. result 849 6 the i. hour 179 21 ward the i. hour 265 14 Inevitableneas-. . . of war 842 6 Inexactitude-terminological i. . . .715 11 Inexhaustible-^stream . . . is i. . . 881 14 Inexpertis-dulcis i. cultura 298 12 Infallible-rules of whioh are i. . . . 573 8 Infame-6crasassiez l'i 320 17 rendre l'homme i 438 12 Infamia-deUtto 6 la i 148 7 et i. metus sit 368 3 immortalis est i 197 6 visser senza i 443 22 Infamies-greatest of i.._ 373 18 Art, thou hast many i 849 8 Infamous-Britain! i. for suicide. .763 21 exceeds i. history 185 4 most i. are fond of fame 256 19 was rich, quiet, and i 101 23 Infamy-brand man with i 438 12 crush this i 320 17 lived without i 443 22 not an i. like this 849 8 prefer any load of i 334 17 Infancy-historian of my i 88 16 learning hath his i 434 27 like age at play with i 572 13 wayward was thy i 55 18 which nourished my i 293 24 Infanb-at first the i 16 13 crying for the light 56 3 crying in the night 56 3, 918 2 for the glad i. sprigs 37 10 infant beauty sleeps 54 10 like an i.'s breath 169 3 like i. charity 872 15 on first opening 142 2 pretty i. wiles 54 5 rich i. nurs'd with care 923 1 's waking smile 55 1 when it gazes on a light 409 5 Infanterie-1'i. anglaise la plus. . .725 17 Infantry-English i. most ^.725 17 on comes his solid i 853 12 wheels out into 823 1 Infants-galls i. of the spring 924 2 hell paved with i.' skulls 362 11 Infatuated-and besotted myriads.784 14 Infect-to the north star 895 3 Infected-chairs of authority 140 6 sawes off the i. part 502 14 seems i. that i. spy 771 17 Infection-against i. and the hand . 225 3 flower with base i 867 14 Infelicity-sense of constant i 698 21 Infelicius-nihil i. eo, cui nihil 519 8 Infelicissimum-genus 733 21 Inferior-lest it prove i 502 11 overpowers i. capacities 340 23 pull at its i. links 392 8 the i. states of perfection 496 3 to a gold mine 866 23 to men, regards justice 894 7 to the swans 773 14 Inferiority-pangs of i 757 22 Infemal-abomnible, i 408 22 into an angelic life 96 16 Infernally-feeling i. mortal 855 13 Infemc—nulla est redemptio 363 16 Inferos-ad i. tantundem vise 362 18 curiosis fabricavit i 362 7 undique ad i 166 11 Infestis-sperat i., metuit secundis. 514 12 Infidel-a daring i 665 12 I have you on the hip 672 19 Infidels-and i. adore 406 8 Infierene-ha i. nula es retencio. .362 16 Infierno-el i. es lleno de buenas. .362 24 Infimo-ab i. ordire 21 18 Infimos-adversus i. justitiam. . . .413 18 Infinita-est velocitas 798 16 Infinite-beyond the I. Morning. .736 14 binds us to the i 255 16 for both are i 479 14 how i. in faculty 491 26 hungry for the 1 634 19 in his desires 490 10 jutting out into the i 309 6 least of things seemed i. 67 4 sees the I. shadowed forth 918 10 set the stars in the i 855 12 there is an I. in him 340 11 In&Qitude-stood vast i. confined .574 8 Infinitum-and so ad i 277 1 Infinity-advantage of . . . i 749 6 almost Divine in its i 714 5 hold i. in palm of your hand. . .395 14 Infirm-fall, i. and weary 14 25 Infirmi-minuti semper et i 672 7 Infirmities-bear his friend's i 299 24 creature of habits and i 400 4 Infirmity-doth neglect all office. .357 1 last i. of noble mind 258 5 Infirmus-dum homo i 324 2 Inflamed-once i. my soul 58 19 Inflexible-in faith 97 13 tender heart; a will i 101 6 Inflexum-vere superius i 330 4 Infliet-those who i. must Buffer. .762 23 Influence-bereaves of their bad i.,393 13 blessed i. of one true soul 392 2 books have secret i 657 12 born where heaven's i.. 838 1 cannot i. the gods 623 26 constant i. peculiar grace 393 14 don't let that i. you 431 11 elevating i. of the world 591 G ever rose or set without i 392 16 extending German i 846 16 eyes rain i 248 27 luminous and serene 555 3 on the public mind 47 19 on this lower world 752 7 Bhed their selectest i 498 7 spheres of i 753 2 unawed by i 408 24 vivifying i. in man's 9 7 whose i. if now I court 292 16 with all her i. and power 917 20 Influences-changeful i. given. . , .814 16 potent in their i 190 21 sweet i. of Pleiades 750 4 Inforra-bus'ness is but to i 771 10 Information-contains more useful,407 17 know where we can find i 421 IB resort to the i 332 6 upon pointB 611 16 Informations-seeking tales and i..227 10 Informed-desire to be i 41 16 of a writer's genius 654 8 Informing-judges without i 411 21 Informs-our mortal part 546 19