Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1223

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makes its m 567 24 moaning ite m 189 22 of doves 547 20 of the whip-poor-will 868 3 sweet m. of pity 304 14 that is not paid with m 576 l which m. for rest, 440 17 why docs the sea m 567 24 willow in thy breezy m 872 9 winds wail with feeble m 872 J6 woe to him who left torn 506 22 Moaning-bar and its m 909 2 who, after all his m 874 8 Moat-of yonder antique hall .... 677 3 Moated-the m. grange 641 4 Moawiyah-God curse M 699 13 Mob-from the m. choose a mate 890 13 in the community the M 408 4 in the judgment of the m 411 17 laughter is mirth of the m 428 19 nation degraded into am 331 11 of gentlemen who wrote 408 16 of peasants, nobles 325 23 put down a vulgar m 845, 4 supreme governors, tiiem 649 10 voice of the m. akin 647 3 votes of the fickle m 612 3 worst of realities, m. rule 334 4 Mobile-mutatur cum 647 12 Mobilitate-viget, viresque 688 19 Mobihty-merelywhatiscalTdm.. 98 3 Mobilium-turba quaritium 648 4 Moccasin-wear the Indian m. . . .519 24 Mock-achievements m. me 8 24 at arts of physicians 504 8 do not m. me 17 4 dull sleep did m. Bad fools. .... 203 18 good housewife Fortune 313 3 him outright by day 574 17 makes sport to m. itself 518 12 of filthy trades 217 22 others now 233 4 sit in the clouds and m 285 6 thee for thy faint blue 494 9 the hyacinthine bell 249 12 Mocked-as if he m. himself 722 14 so m. with glory 314 14 thee for curiosity 154 fi Mocker-wine is a m 876 16 Mockery-delusion, m. and snare .431 8 God an object of m 316 23 in m. over slaves 716 6 in monumental m 594 17 of woe 518 7 shut out m. of life S70 26 spirit, is one of m 746 7 Mockest-thou m., tremble 652 7 Mocketh-eye m. at his father 564 20 Moclring-pretty m. of the life 690 16 sits m. in our plumes 702 16 the sunset skies 578 7 you who with m. pencil 459 11 Mocking Bird-of m. b.'s throat . .509 16 wildest of singers 520 1 Mocks-comforts while it m 579 4 it m. the skies 566 14 married men 153 12 me with the view 327 11 the tear it forced 828 13 Mock Turtle-replied 216 21 Mode-ingenious and easy m. . . .598 23 slaves of established m 154 10 Model-England, m. to thy 225 2 of the barren earth 177 19 then draw the m 41 10 Models-great men m. of nations . 341 6 live as m. for the mass 724 2 to be wrought 31 3 Moderate-be m. in sorrows 342 16 man of m. understanding 47 16 things temperately 219 12 see also Moderation p. 520 Moderately-therefore love m 479 19 Moderation-adversity with m.. . . 637 14 gives it charm 451 4 in war is imbecility 851 2 nature, and m. and reason 835 24 reformed by their m 391 30 winds that never m. knew 873 l see also Moderation p. 520 Modern-may come a m. Iliad . . .564 28 strange disease of m. life 441 1 Moderns-Prefer what m. write . . 151 19 Modes-endless are m. of speech. .742 20 in wit should take turn 884 23 of faith lets zealots 255 10 Modest-and shy as a nun 75 9 as morning when she 74 20 be m. to women 51 3 end of m restraint 83 6 fame not to be despised 259 12 glides in m. innocence away. . .395 18 looks so m. all the while 525 12 looks the cottage adorn 52] 4 merits m. men are dumb 510 21 soldier m. as a miad 729 20 the Quip M 42 25 tho' m. on his unembarrass'd. .310 11 when one remains m 521 10 zealous yet m 97 13 Modest e-qui m. paret 564 9 Modestia-commendiato am 922 14 Modestly-challenge urged more m. 92 10 maid who m. conceals 60 17 Modestum-cedo m. amatorem . . .476 2 Modesty-counts to conquer m. . . 65 16 he who obeys with m 564 9 lady has discretion and m 892 3 of nature 5 20 pure and vestal m 419 4 recommendation is m 922 14 starves 144 24 with m. and ease 219 13 see also Modesty pp. 520, 521 Modica-voluptas laxat 520 16 Modification-of oft-expressed. . . .295 13 Modis-excipe mille m 831 1 Modish-signify m. alliances 301 23 Modo -non habebent mod urn 792 4 quid non m. nos 596 14 quocumque m. rem 522 18 suaviter in m 311 1 Modulatione-rudi m. solatur .... 732 20 Modulo-suo m. ac pede 489 23 Modum-crescendi posuere m 263 12 et servare m 516 12 modo non habebent m 792 4 Modus-est m. in rebus 520 7 omnibus in rebus 520 12 sit pudor et aut m 342 14 Moenia-flammantis m. mundi . . 914 20 MceremV-nulli jactantius m 444 2 Moglichste-das M. gethan hat. . .909 9 Mogul-and Mugwump 610 19 Mohr-hat seine Arbeit gethan . .911 2 Moi-le moi est haissable 697 8 l'etat, c'estm 333 2 Moiety-thou robb'st me of a m. . 343 4 Moine-commeunm. en Borbonne.569 21 l'habit ne fait le in 35 26 Molse-pas croire ceux de M 66 20 Moistened-dry the m. curls 872 17 Moisture-body's m. scarce serves.782 16 from your golden lips 494 19 let all their in. flow 655 14 Moitie-la m. du monde 450 20 Mold-be of vulgar m 51 7 stolen from grassy m 458 12 Molds-the world 871 17 Mole-for a wart or a m 152 4 learn of the m. to plough 436 9 throw up like m. hills 597 3 Mole-catcher-King of Parthia was566 2 Mole-hill-make a mountain of am.532 12 Molem-mens agitat m 516 11 Moles-claustra nee immense m.. 514 26 to ourselves 151 3 Molesta-setati m. est 98 16 sibi m. et aliis 561 13 Molestation-peace without m. . . . 844 12 Molesti-non papilionibus m 760 19 Molestissime-ea m. ferre 265 22 Molles-magna inter m. concord ia. 240 4 Mollify-hardest yron doth m 71 14 strive to share and m 865 22 Mollis-non est ad astra m 751 18 Mollisse-fertur m. voluptas 601 10 Molliter-et aspere 651 12 ossa cubent 232 13 Molten-golden notes 68 4 Moly-sweet is m. but his root . . . 281 12 that Hermes once 323 9 Mome-raths outgrabe 560 13 Monent-a M.'s Halt 449 13 a m.'s ornament 897 19 and in a m. flies 476 9 at last find a lucky m 657 12 at what m. love begins 472 11 done in the flash of the m 101 17 each m. as it flies 444 5 each m. is a day 794 3 enjoy every m. of it 793 9 enterprises of pith and m 131 11 Eternity ,_ a m. standing 238 2 eternity in a single m 480 14 every m. and again 418 14 every m. dies a man 800 17 every m. of life 443 19 face some awful m 106 12 for one transcendent m 189 8 for the m. spends 619 1 grasps the m.'s gift 570 1 8 had arrived 846 6 I am speaking 792 9 improve each m. as it flies 447 4 impulse of the m 600 4 in a m. a twinkling 94 20 in a m. comes either 290 9 in some dread m 238 4 in the m. you detect 450 7 lem. ou jeparle 792 9 little can a m. show 63 12 love grants in a m 469 10 no m. unemploy'd to bless. . . .321 8 of finding an idea 270 14 pauses a m. with twinkling . . . 501 3 pay no m. but in purchase .... 924 18 present m. is daily bread 503 2 solemn m. of triumph 637 2 solemn rn. that exchanges. . .'. .481 7 sped too soon 162 9 spell of the m 61 17 strange m. must it be 164 16 tarry a m. my charming 406 9 to decide 184 13 to seize the in 899 2 very m, of execution 668 22 very m. of his birth 70 16 vision of a m. made 840 3 watched for 26 22 when m. on m. there rushes . . . 505 1 Momenta- magnarum m. rerum. .815 17 Momentary-taste 449 13 rainbow is a m. thing 60 8 Momentis-in bello parvis m 844 7 Momento-fit cinis 798 19 paulo m. hue illuc 826 19 Moments-bells that waste m 742 3 dead m. bury the dead 796 12 flowering m. of the mind 742 14 golden m. flit 204 16 golden m. fly 187 12 greatest m. in history 637 2 in one of his flashing m 579 6 lost have no room 679 8 make eternity of m 579 17 make the year 816 8 never the same for two m 714 6 noisy years seem m 710 13 of too short a life 721 6 slow, sad m. of her pain 791 17 their m. of pleasure 565 24 there are m. in life 270 17 we live not in our m 454 11 when silence prolonged 709 4 Monachum-cucullus non fecit m.. 35 7 Monachus-tune esse volebat 159 12 Monarca-figlia di quel m. 615 16 Monarch-and the m. crown'd 291 10 becomes the throned m 510 12 Britain's m. uncovered sat 355 10 does not mis-become am 560 21 every m. is subject 685 19 forest's m. throws his shade . . . 356 6 forgive what I've spoken 563 6 gracious m. vieweth with 436 26 let the m.'s bags and coffers. . .523 26 man the m. of his mind 513 7 merry m., scandalous 685 11 monster, but m. there 391 16 Mont Blanc, m. of mountains. . 532 8 oak, m. of the wood 563 2 of all I survey 683 17 of a shed 370 1 of the brook 29 IB of universal earth 702 17 pageant of a m 144 18 proof of a true m 683 16 proud daughter of that m 615 16 reason sleeps 202 12 tired m. fann'd to rest 770 8 when a good m. prayed 768 2