Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1229

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ten acres and am 18 1 Muliebris-rebus animus m 312 8 Mulier-oupido quod dioit 466 24 flamma quid Uevius]? m 890 3 Mulierem-navem et m 86 25 ulloinseoulo 892 16 Mulieri-nimio male facere 892 18 Mulieris-primo dede m. consilio. . 11 3 Muherum-multa sunt m. vitia. . .892 17 novi ingenium m 896 20 Multa-petentibus desunt 690 19 recedentea adimunt 127 18 Multiplicity-of agreeable 351 13 Multiplied-by the press 904 1 I have m. visions 839 13 with weekly bill 502 13 Multiplies-enlarges, m. contracts. 260 12 Multiply-each through endless. . .601 6 forced to m. its strength 342 24 their originals 47 12 your lovely selves 250 5 Multis-de m. grandis acervus 815 22 fortunam. dat nimis 290 22 terribilis caveto 645 3 Multitude-any one of the m 126 13 a way to peace 626 13 cover the m. of sins 107 15 fair m. of those her hairs 349 10 for the m. to be ungrateful 394 l hasty m. admiring enter'd 361 l hoofs of a swinish m 435 3 inaudible to the vast m 242 16 lay on the m. the blame ..... .651 4 life with m. of days 447 2 not in m. of friends 298 15 of cheerful fires 749 3 of counsellors 11 6 of external forms 775 11 of years should teach 879 26 practice of the m 227 9 such a vast m 915 13 still-discordant wavering m. . . .688 11 take in m. of sensations 687 15 we two form am 305 16 see also Public pp. 647-649 Multitudes-barbarous m 113 26 in valley of decision 184 11 made by m. of minds 515 2 pestilence-stricken m 874 4 think they like to do evil 240 25 when m. offend 295 15 Multitudinous-laughter, of sea . . . 566 3 passing me on m. feet 448 6 seas incardine 535 1 Multum-nam ut m. nil moror ... 49 9 Mum-'s the word 903 6 Mumbles-she maunders and m.. .256 18 Mummied-lie the m. authors . . . .440 8 Mummy-where m. is half unrolled403 10 Mundanum-Socrates diceret m.. .912 20 Munde-hat Gold im M 529 15 Mundi-angusto limite m 195 13 flammantis mcenia m 914 20 libertas ultima m 295 16 rerum fabricatorque m 743 22 sic transit gloria m 313 18 totius enim m. se 912 20 Munditiis-capimur 348 17 simplex m 348 8 Mundo-se credere m 595 21 Mundungus-to his nose 804 4 Mundus-est ingens deorum 324 6 exerceat histrionem 915 11 fiat justitia et ruat m 415 10 patria mea totus m 916 3 sapientia regitur m 333 14 Munera-nisi cceli m. nosse 318 11 see also Gifts pp. 312, 313 Munere-perfecto functus est m.. -i43 5 Muneribus-sapienter ut*. 351 10 Munich-all thy banners wave . . -844 8 Muniendam-verum etiam m. . . . . 855 5 Munus-anucitia m. expletum. . . .301 13 habere dei 449" reipublicae 217 1 Munze-der M. wiederzuzahlen. . ,671 5 Muore-per meta chi lascia 619 2 Muove-eppur si m 913 17 Murder-ez fer war, I call it m. . . . 850 6 in their language 590 20 Macbeth doth m. sleep 720 10 make war now on M 848 5 most foul 534 17 raise no cry of m 354 14 the finest thoughts 744 16 there's m. in mine eye 249 13 though it have no tongue o 17 treason and m. ever 812 6 whiles I smile 135 17 wine's in, m. will out 877 3 see also Murder pp. 534, 535 Murdered-Iove him m 131 17 sleeping ldll'd, all m 686 5 wreath on m. Lincoln's bier . . .459 11 Murderer-bleed at sight of the m.534 8 I hate the m 131 17 what traitor 864 6 Murderers-gods on m. fix 534 10 Murderous-Cupid is a m. boy . . . 323 6 iron hail 852 17 Murders-all the m. of your eye . . 348 21 in this loathsome world 84 11 Mercy but m 510 14 who m. Time 801 13 see also Murder pp. 534, 535 Mure-hath wrought the m 90 18 that should confine it 515 26 Murk-sun through m. blinks . . . .766 18 Murmur-at his case 197 3 dost m. as thou slowly 530 20 for m. of breaking flood 566 20 invites one to sleep 547 11 that springs 740 11 there is m. and trill today 501 11 the shallow m 581 12 will m. loudly 652 10 Murmured-shell that m 537 6 Murmuring-and shamming 664 2 beauty born of m. sound. 548 7 from within were heard m 568 12 lapse of m. streams 546 11 of innumerable bees 547 20 Murmurs-as for m. we grumble. .469 15 as the ocean m. there 567 14 hear our mutual m. sweep 772 17 in hollow m. died away 536 io lose in iky m 415 14 own their loves 201 s the hautboy 540 li to hear their m 685 3 Murray-plain truth dear M 9 6 Murus-hic m. aeneus esto 130 19 nascetur ridiculus m. . . . .' 532 18 Musa-ccelo m. beat 388 2o dignum laude virum m 388 20 Musaeo-contigens cuncta 603 20 Muscavado-Santa Claus de la M.866 19 Muscle-keep thy m. trained 669 i motion of a m 9 4 of his brawny arms 71 9 swells with hard m 379 4 Muscular-Christianity was m. . . . 115 9 Muse-and spill her solitary 450 1 attend her in her way 662 16 by no unlettered m 51 8 claims all beside 795 14 does not allow 388 20 doth take my m. and me 875 24 had filled with melody 700 21 herself move men 393 2 honoured by the m 230 1 in which the m. shall 51 13 not that I suddenly 895 13 O for a M. of fire 604 lo room to m. invite 50 19 ' she shines a new Venus, a M.. .321 14 silence m. His praise 320 8 that presides o'er all 357 8 to me the m. and song 733 11 took her for Scottish M 369 3 tragic m. a routing - 4 19 tragic m. first trod 5 9 unenviedby them, he loved... 753 7 unlettered m. 48 28 with worstrhumour'd m 606 13 see also Poets pp. 607, 608 Muses-by turns the M. sing 356 9 claim the rest 795 14 haunt Twit'nham bowers 785 11 on faces of the friends 476 18 proclaim the M. nine 322 3 rose and scattered 43 7 sacrifice to the M 689 19 that pallidest of M 877 7 the M. are ten 321 14 to the M.' bowers 551 6 were in their prime 701 8 what the M. love 109 13 where stray ye, M 89 11 Mushroom-little m. men 340 25 race of the m 344 16 Music-alone finds the word 709 1 and the banquet 271 2 architecture is frozen m 40 9 arose with voluptuous .... 536 8 at the close 770 la away with funeral m 453 19 battle render'd you in m 573 18 beat the m. down 234 18 be the food of love 540 8 breast that m. cannot tame.. . .535 12 breathing from her face 58 7 brook its m. hushes 746 20 built a m. club 204 13 but our passing bell 178 9 ceasing of exquisite m 537 19 clothes them with m 918 16 congreeing like m 334 13 consoling m. for the joys 733 7 cunning in m. and 780 4 discourse eloauent m 539 15 even in the beauty 465 2 fled is that m 558 2 floods of delirious m 520 1 foot has m. in 't 102 8 for his banquet 167 22 from a broken lute 796 11 full soul of all its m 557 17 harmony govern m 846 6 hath charms to soothe 535 18 hear the sea-maid's m 511 9 in its roar 600 10 in m. strains breathes out 772 22 jocund m. charm his ear 253 20 keep step to m. of the Union . .585 4 leave his m. as of old 608 25 liquid m. of her voice 713 2 listen to m. of the sea 750 13 make m. to the lonely 238 15 make such m. as shall save 364 7 meets not always now 831 7 melted in the throat 712 22 more of the m 840 4 night shall be filled with m 555 14 nobler m. from Life's frets . . . .358 16 no m. beguiles 814 1 no m. in the nightingale 480 11 no m. more for him 175 3 no m. to a knell 68 11 no m. when woman is in 888 11 now got the m. book ready. ... 56 8 of a summer bird 840 12 of her face 60 2 of kind voices 872 19 of the brook silenced 84 21 of the southern breeze 353 3 of the spheres 535 19, 710 9 of the woodland depths 412 24 of those village bells 67 9 one has m. and flying 453 16 pass'd in m. out of sight 696 23 playing far off 29 12 play the swan and die in m — 773 12 Psalmist's m. deep 717 6 set them to m. at pleasure 455 5 shows ye have closes 747 5 shrill m. reached them 511 11 soars within the lark 427 6 so delicate, Boft, intense 383 4 soft m. to attending ears 479 16 sound while he doth 773 11 still, sad m. of humanity 380 18 tale their m. tells 68 1 that m. still 428 7 though I'm filled with m 732 3 'tis angel's m 689 6 to m. at night 215 15 to the sleepers 165 13 warehouse pretty 204 13 waste m. on savage race 548 10 where m. and moonlight and.. .713 19 wine of Love is m 399 22 wiser law of m. sway : 295 14 with joyous m. wake the : 70 3 with m. in the air 700 21 with the enameled stones 85 1 with what pretty m 501 21 women and m. never be dated. 14 8 see also Music pp. 535-541 Musical-as is Apollo's lute 596 19 call M . Thought 602 9 cherub, soar, singing 427 10