Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1303

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Skyward-jetting soul 482 22 Slab-a massy s. in fashion 304 13 Slaokness-breeds worms : 7 S Slae-milkwhitc is the s 278 10 Slain-after millions s 348 21 brought him s. with spears 729 10 by a fair cruel maid 178 4 by fits of passion s 445 3 by the truth 820 22 exult over s. men 848 1 eyes which have me s 247 14 exe thou hast s. another 231 20 fighting for his country 726 17 heaped with a thousand s 853 3 he that in the field is s 373 3 he who is in battle s 843 14 slayer oft is s 847 19 thrice he slew the s 830 2 Slander-do not s. him 104 21 tales of s. excite not attention.. 324 2 why s. we the times 792 7 see also Slander pp. 714, 715 Slandered-to death by villains. . .714 26 Slanderous-a s. coward 222 14 gall up in the s. tongue 89 9 Slashed-^wears his doublet s 664 19 Slate-should clean its s 613 4 Slaughter-a lamb to the s 689 IS as ox goeth to the s 575 S for mutual s 860 9 means blood 854 6 men for glory's sake 851 s of plague 857 6 of the innocent 319 25 rather than battle 855 3 save themselves from s 763 6 'twas he that made the s 87 24 Slaughtered-those that were 825 22 Slaughters-;! thousand waiting. . . 187 4 Slave-always be a s 216 7 commits a fault 138 14 dares not) is a s 658 11 duty's a s. that keeps 475 5 Earth bears so base as 662 14 free who is s. to flesh 296 4 has been s. to thousands 543 14 hissing through s. worn lands. 857 19 in his father's stead 684 7 is a s. to fame 257 2 is evermore as 134 16 levels master and s 166 1 5 like the meanest s 83 10 man that is not passion's s 581 13 meant them for as 181 19 mirror of king and s 441 21 nought but folly's s 923 8 of circumstance 119 20 of my thoughts 592 11 rests from his labors 338 8 th' ignoble mind's as 227 7 thou s., thou wretch 146 4 thou wast my s 469 16 tongue to curse the s 811 21 to no sect, who takes 546 21 vile s.'s vilest part 808 18 what a s. thou art 145 25 you were a Christian s 242 2 see also Slavery pp. 715, 716 Slave-drivers-quietly whipped . . . 339 3 Slavery-African children with s... 157 11 is but half abolished 218 7 is in flagrant violation 333 18 semi-s. in labour 660 18 to live under an excellent 683 14 years of s. are past 66 6 see also Slavery pp. 715, 716 Slaves-all are s. besides 294 24 all are s. to gold 84 2 and wear wooden shoes 293 22 as they are 651 1 Britons never will be s 225 10 but not to be his s 699 4. enoblesots, ors., or cowarda... 25 3 fit instruments to make s 334 2 idle s. of legendary virtue 366 17 kings must have s 845 16 leave hurry to s 794 11 makes s. of men 623 15 of custom 154 10 of the impious 149 8 submit to be s 334 2 sweating s. support 826 3 that apes would beat 145 24 that s. howe'er contented 294 23 the creed of s 551 7 time was made for s 270 23 to be s. of chance 93 2 to musty rules. 150 ' 6 who now his throne invaded. . . 151 9 willing s. to custom old 352 17 would be tyrants 825 13 see also Slavery pp. 715, 716 Slavishly-never s. submits 497 8 Slavs-wild gestures of the S 846 16 Slay-to s. the innocent 868 12 Slayer-oft is slain 847 19 of the winter 494 Slays-and checks and s 449 14 he s. more than you rob 504 5 with parching power 256 Sleave-ravell'd s. of care 720 11 Sled-and traveller stopped 723 3 Sledge-heavy s. he can it beat. . . 71 14 Sledges-rest upon their s 71 6 the s. with the bells 68 3 Sleek-head and hair are s 57 1 Sleep-after toyle 669 and Death, two twins. . 718 10, 721 4 ants never s 30 13 as s. to the wearied 604 16 at night without a breath 172 26 away the hours 165 14 be on thee cast 175 13 blood though it s. a time 534 10 broke s. with thoughts 325 21 but the image of death 173 12 but to s. and feed 491 28 by a s. to say we end 176 7 calls us from our s 162 18 calm unbroken s 88 19 charm that lulls to s 302 5 compelling croon 732 3 Death and S. and Thou 710 2 Death's own brothers.. .364 2, 720 21 do I wake or s 558 2 dream that e'er dull s 203 18 driven s. from mine eyes 34 5 dying s. side by side 366 21 eight hours to s 794 14 flattering truth of s 203 23 folds them in for s 702 23 for a season and hear -no word . 204 6 fresh from nature's s 156 9 full of sweet dreams 59 20 gentle s., scatter thy drowsiest. 614 10 give their readers s 607 23 giveth this beloved s... .717 6, 719 14 God send the women s 857 17 golden dew of s 203 20 Eolden s. doth reign 90 22 ence to thine eternal s 783 21 her great gift of s 555 4 he slept an iron s 726 17 hour friendliest to s 512 24 how s. the brave. . . .- 82 9 human life to endless s 675 18 Imperial City closed in s 512 27 indolence, the s.'of the mind., .384 24 in dull cold marble 780 1 in the aflBiction 269 14 in the southern corner 338 2 in things that gentlest 622 21 inthyclouds 766 6 in thy last long s 781 18 in widowhood to-night 854 11 lay me down in peace and s.. . . 719 13 lay me down in peace to s 568 11 lay me down to take my s 627 12 let me s. on 202 22 life is pass'd in s 165 22 lone couch of everlasting s 339 24 long s. of death 174 22 lovely in thy s 60 24 lull its river-child to s 496 9 man in his first s 717 9 murmur invites one to s 547 11 music that brings sweet s 540 17 night is without s 756 24 no s. till morn 156 21 now s. and rest 406 4 of reason Ill 23 on and smile 54 7 on during never-ending 166 3 one short s. past we wake 167 9 only be a s 178 14 on whose soft-breathing s 429 3 poppy hangs in s 281 19 remorse goes to s. during 665 17 resigned to timely s 874 12 riches and health 226 3 rock me to s. mother 792 5 rocks fallen leaf to s 546 4 rooms where children s 526 10 rounded with as 204 1 shall our gratitude s 336 19 short s. of life 174 22 six hours in s 793 14 sleeps his last s 169 6 slept an iron s 170 4 softly lie and sweetly s 339 8 soldiers! still in honored 729 6 some must s '. 916 7 Btill let me s 260 17 still must s. profound 708 18 still, though not in s 708 1 streamlets s. hath crowned 463 14 sweet s. be with us 201 20 take a pleasant s 633 10 taking a long s 175 11 ten poor men s 133 18 than this marble s 921 21 that knows not breaking 728 12 that made him nod 768 17 that no pain shall wake 175 2 the Cousin of Death 719 19 then, to go to s 358 4 the sooner to s 909 21 thy s. adorning 55 7 to die, to s 176 7 too full of s. to understand 545 23 to wake 142 10 under a fresh tree's shade 135 15 undisturbed as Death 77 5 undisturbed within 231 18 we shall not s. though 851 3 we s. but the loom of life 441 14 western world believe and s... .689 13 when deep s. falleth on men. . . 555 8 when I could not s. for cold. . .387 5 when man doth s 790 8 when to soft s. we give 201 19 when we wake and when we S..745 18 where care lodges, s. will never. 90 22 where waters s 568 14 while some must s 90 17 with you in Flanders' 846 10 work ended dares not s 555 17 wrapt in half s 202 10 yet a little s 174 13 ye waves, in silence s 588 18 see also Sleep pp. 716-721 Sleepers-music to the s 165 13 of the house 740 14 Sleeping-all proofs s. else 404 16 a s. hound to wake 717 10 as s. in my bed 203 11 awaken a s. dog 198 16 baby was s 55 6 growing, Jock, when ye're s.. . .344 21 if b. wake, if feasting 571 1 in bright tranquillity 88 18 in our crowns 613 20 in the blood 196 22 in the dust 298 10 just roused from s 38 12 kiss as. man, wins 418 15 never s., still awake 215 20 no past dead, but only s 388 21 o'er what they love while s 409 6 one to wake the s. soul 319 21 on the wing 19 10 other men s. but never dead. . . 560 1 to curtain her s. world 556 23 to the s. woods 84 15 when she died 170 6 see also Sleep pp. 716-721 Sleepless-love laid his s. head. . . . 481 20 themselves to give 607 23 three s. nights I passed 398 18 Sleeps-an arch never s 4Q 8 couch where infant beauty s. . . 54 10 creation s 557 8 flourish when he s. in dust. . . .509 9 gleam of dying day 182 6 he s. well 177 7 Homer their prince s. now 171 16 it s. and the ice 272 1 on brambles 207 10 one retires, and one s 449 20 one whom love caused 235 8 she s. my lady s 718 20, 750 16 suspicion s. at wisdom's 880 6