Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1311

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presides o'er Powers of S 357 8 returns a jarring s 619 20 silence implying s 326 17 silence where no s. may be ... . 708 18 sooth'd with the s 830 2 sorrow wastes itself in s 710 7 so woundy great 67 7 streams with softest s 548 4 sun's uprising s... 769 14 sweetest s. in orchestra 540 22 sweet s. and radiance 863 18 Bweet s. their speaking 579 11 that breathes upon 834 20 the clarion 314 9 the trumpets 366 17 utters s. without mind 907 ,11 vessel is known by its s 741 19 was his mutton 874 18 we were s. as they 759 8 which makes us linger 260 22 who could s. thy bottom 505 25 within s. of Bow-bell 462 16 with recoil and jarring s 363 11 yet but little s 708 16 see also Sound p. 740 Soundboard-of pipes the s 538 4 Sounded-all her quicksands 550 1 but it cannot be s 477 22 trumpets b. for him 459 6 Soundest-casuists doubt 503 14 Sounding-aloft without crack. ... 67 23 in advance its victory 697 12 nights I passed in s. on 398 18 Soundings-mark the s. well 549 13 Soundless-no other but s. pit 363 1 Sounds-all other s. we hear 68 11 are nature's funeral cries 873 2 concords of sweet s 540 2 dead s. at night come 556 26 deep s. and deeper still 791 4 dulcet s. in break of day 499 13 fires with animated s 539 3 hum of army stilly s 856 7 it soun's sae sonorous 907 15 most musical 68 6 most pleasing of all s 625 5 music better than its 538 17 of long ago 872 9 parent of sweetest s 273 14 scared with eerie s 34 18 soft and soul-like s 316 6 soften'd s. along the waters — 926 4 so grand on the pleasant 437 7 sound amid s. most fine 790 19 sympathy with s 775 20 whose s. so wild would 68 5 will take care of themselves — 697 21 with s*seraphic 174 4 with speading s. the skies 539 4 see also Sound p. 740 Soup-a sort of s. or broth 139 15 knuckle of ham in s 885 22 the s. gets cold 796 3 Soupir-premier s. de l'amour 464 18 Sour-but yet s. enough 281 12 everye sweete its s 774 17 heart and mind are s 416 23 how s. sweet music is 540 3 palates for sweet and s 499 19 to them that Iov'd him 757 4 turns a s. offence 477 17 SouTce-and seen their s 783 23 bids it trickle from its s 433 2 from a Grecian s 903 19 if so turbid at its s 652 11 of aU my bliss 620 20 of evil, one 147 8 of long woes 601 28 pants its s. to mount 738 5 river of unfailing s 538 21 stain thy limpid s 437 14 stream purer at its s 652 12 true s. of human offspring 498 6 valent mieux dans leur s 652 12 variety's the s. of joy 830 26 Sources-deeper than itself 62 2 floods from simple s 517 1 from unseen s. cards are 454 17 of wealth be boundless 520 20 Sourest-sweetest turn s 867 14 Sourly-look s. upon you 917 1 South-allegianee to the S 585 6 and North in the light 553 4 anger came to North and S 459 4 beaker full of the warm S 876 1 from the spongy s 209 6 Gray of sun-kissed S 727 16 know no S. , no North, no East 585 6 sagging s. on the Long Trail. . . 703 16 swallow's song in the s 429 5 talk slid s 778 1 through the S. the custom 349 23 west, nor from the s 761 14 wind of the sunny s 872 19 Southerly-wind is s. I know 355 20 Southern-poured by S. hands 857 19 sleep in the s. corner 338 2 sloping to the s. side 101 11 Souvenir-qu'un s. heureux 734 21 Souvenirs-les s. embellissent 506 16 Soverainty-kings sit in s 644 26 Sovereign-be a e. among soldiers. 728 13 emblem of the s. power 686 11 gentler, mightier 531 14 gird an English s.'s brow 686 18 Heaven's S. saves all beings . . . 359 17 here lies our s. lord 685 12 he will have no s 431 4 is called a tyrant 825 25 keeper, thy head, thy s 382 26 law, state's collected will 332 8 o'er transmuted ill 583 23 of an undisputed throne 238 4 of sighs and groans 324 10 one's immortal head 322 8 park is s. for a cold 707 2 shed the s. balm 88 17 sway may be dissolved 647 17 sweet as the s. tune 52 17 true S. of the world 912 19 will of the S. of the world 661 16 Sovereigns-dead sceptred s 918 9 Prussian S. in possession 683 3 soldier among s 728 13 who name ourselves its s 488 12 Sovereignty-of self-governing 23 6 representative s. of all 332 11 soldmys 870 8 what your sex desire is S 889 2 Sow-an act and reap a habit 347 9 as you s. y' are like to reap. . . . 670 6 discord cloth s 42 4 in the morning s. thy seed 353 7 observeth wind shall not s 353 6 reap the things they s 96 11 their wild oats 344 17 thoughts, reap actions. .346 21, 787 12 velvet purse of a s.'s ear 390 17 wrong s. by the ear 775 2 Sowed-less than what you s 344 17 them with odorous foot 890 21 Sowest-as thou s. so shalt 670 10 Soweth-in the sand 253 11 whatsoever a man s 353 8 who s. good seed 327 5 Sowing-for others to reap 792 6 we reap our s 816 25 Sown-they have s. the wind 670 17 you had s. in your blood 495 13 Sows-against the wind 252 22 cut the bread another s 325 19 Space-annihilate s. and time 476 10 beyond the soar of angel's 317 11 drif tin' through s 242 4 fill the s. with loving 816 22 make time out of s 190 23 mists a s. unsettle 800 19 narrow s. of a single lane 320 4 out of S. out of Time 797 18 stream through liberal s 597 12 through time and s 460 7 to think and feel 620 8 'tween hills intervened 770 10 vast and vacant s 917 12 which is S. begun 361 14 wind-swept s 163 25 Spaces-silent s. sent 218 11 unnecessary s 544 11 where the shadows bide 537 15 Spade-call a s. a s 541 13 fling by the s 843 1 hand on the s 908 7 his earth-worn s 337 17 if you don't call me as 543 20 never a s. or pick 727 3 poor crooked scythe and s 178 11 Spades-emblems of graves 89 19 Spain-castles in S 386 23, 387 15 fever when he was in S........ 706 21 I'm sorry for S 845 1 in Turkey or in S 862 13 king of S. is a great 616 16 king of S. with twenty 725 16 , smiled S.'s chivalry away 721 20 vine and olive, lovely S 740 17 Spake-and into every heart 742 16 as a child 110 3 as having seen 204 8 from the printed leaves 79 6 the grisly terror 172 15 Span-in length as 442 6 life is a s 451 9, 487 17 life of man less than as 441' 5 our seeing 's inward s 559 5 of some cathedral 40 14 omnipotence and measure 488 25 spick and s. new 373 2, 561 20 surmounts of grief as 429 18 Spangles-deck the thorn 529 17 with s. deck'd the glade 824 10 Spangling-the wave with lights. .601 18 Spaniard-seems wise, is a fool . . . 880 27 Spaniel-hungry s. does spye 580 20 playthes 809 l woman, S., the walnut tree — 652 2 Spanish-ambuscadoes S. blades. .503 22 brave S. soldiers brag 616 19 never sets in S. dominions 616 19 shoe be S. or neat's leather 650 1 Spare-as that s. Gassius 772 1 bid her goe and s. not 580 7 my aching sight 839 11 the rod and spoil 466 3 what we least cans 375 4 would he have much to s 31 13 Spared-and blessed by Time 793 1 better s. a better man 661 S small steamers be s 850 16 Spares-gray marathon 13 6 neither man nor the proudest. .289 24 who s. to speak 638 13 Spareth-his words 422 15 whoso s. the spring 650 19 Sparing-but with e. hand 520 21 Spark-bring the vital s. again, . .829 1 created by his breath 488 26 courage, independent s 142 16 first pale s 606 17 from little s. may burst 670 12 God dropped a s. down 666 8 lights her little s 315 3 like a glittering music-s 558 10 neglected has often 272 24 of celestial fire 131 26 of religious and civil 439 11 of that immortal fire 466 15 parson, oh illustrious s 630 1 proud, conceited, talking s 778 4 shows a hasty s 28 14 struck smartly shows s 883 17 then as 242 11 vital s. of heav'nly flame 738 17 vocal spark 641 3 Sparkle-dost s. into song 84 19 for ever 604 15 pure s. of fire 738 7 Sparkled-it s. and shone 400 18 she a, was exhal'd 181 8 to the brim 175 3 Sparkles-cup b. near the brim 792 19 Sparkling-and bright 875 15 clear s. and divine 802 10 luminous but not s 248 18 of thy looks 796 9 Sparks-as the s. fly upward 816 17 from populous cities 752 13 hide the s. of Nature 547 4 like s. that have leaped 279 12 more s. the worse match 890 13 red s. lit the air. 71 11 that are like wit 885 12 three s., pride, envy, avarice.. .239 24 were kindled by the shock 438 5 with unnumber'd s 751 21 Spark-sun-flashes like as 246 18 Sparrow-a s. fall 644 13 caters for thes 644 21 cuckoo's bird useth s 153 11 in the fall of a s 644 23 see also Sparrow p. 740 Sparrows-and team of s 473 5 are singing in chorus 829 3