Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1323

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trample the s. in dust. 916 1 true pathos and s 369 10 .■who grasp at praises 455 10 Sublimi-fenam sidera vertice 606 22 Sublimity-of fools 283 18 whose s. blended with ridicule. 673 21 Submission-make s. meet 832 10 bo, with all s 618 9 Submit-all his thoughts 432 14 courage never to s 852 4 husband's will, thine shall s.. . .382 18 inventions to his censure 400 7 or resign 113 IB to authority 860 6 to be slaves 334 2 to insult 398 2 to necessity 668 14 to the hand of heav'n s 564 17 Submits-never slavishly s 497 8 Submitting-by s. sways 870 11 Subsistence-any s. without mind. 513 3 necessary for his s 675 8 Substance-brags of his s 128 23 counterfeit some real s 912 12 eternal s. of his greatness 340 10 faith, s. of things hoped 254 22 flies when s. love pursues 478 20 gone to air 805 7 has altogether vanished 76 18 is but only wind 907 17 like a new s 819 23 man of s. dear to fellows 379 9 of a grief hath twenty 343 19 of ten thousand soldiers 700 8 of the ambitious 21 9 of the common Earth 620 4 on the floating air 723 2 proves the s. true 227 6 semblance of worth not s 905 5 thin of s. as air 203 21 though not animate 655 19 which we dreamed 218 20 Substances-at unnatural s 579 8 shadows attend s 907 10 shadows for true s 343 26 Substantial-books are s. world. . . 80 18 nothingness whole s. thing 544 7 shine in more s. honours 374 3 Substantives-that answer 576 17 Substitute-for genius 48 8 shines brightly 686 3 Subtiliter-qui humilia s 219 12 Subtle-and mighty opium 386 20 flow of s. paced counsel 871 4 Subtlest-fold of the heart 403 16 Suburb-of life elysian 171 6 Subvertet-pede major erit s 290 8 Succedere-voti Phoebus s 629 3 Succedonp-che mai s. bene 760 8 Succeed-as his inheritor 735 17 he is sure to s 311 22 if at first you don't s 814 17 in small things 2018 new things s 794 22 they shall still s 202 11 try to s. by merit 511 4 see also Success pp. 759-761 Succeeds-like success 759 18 stronger always s 756 13 sure reward s 71 19 the merit's all his own 510 19 Succes-see Success pp. 759-761 Success-as singer am not as 540 19 dragged him forth to s 570 22 from them implore S 627 16 giv'st s. though secret 245 6 hope s. at court 836 14 in business today turns 86 17 in s. but disinherits 262 3 is from above 263 7 life lives only in s 454 2 lover seldom wants s 901 16 mediocrity of s 12 24 obedience the mother of s 564 7 portend s. in love 558 9 quality of s. which 257 3 sacred than far-seen s 516 9 smiled at his s 902 14 smooth s. be strewed 855 17 the inevitable result 849 6 the mark no mortal 262 3 though desperate of s 594 13 troubled at his bad s 294 7 true s. is to labour 810 19 ultimate s. of excellence 327 24 whatever good s. they have. . .503 18 see also Success pp. 759-761 Successes-bound of low s 761 3 Successful-rival bard'B s 226 22 unsuccessful or s. war 730 12 Successus-see p. 761 Succession-new s. sings 814 11 next ins 623 17 of splendid men 440 16 slander lives upon s 714 23 Successive-fall s. and s. rise 489 19 Successor-his s. of tomorrow 366 10 Succor-dawns from Heaven 365 1 hope my s. faith befriend 477 7 us that s. want 27 4 which is given us 917 20 Succumb-all things s 514 26 Succumbunt-omnia s., ipsum. . . .514 26 Succurrere-miseris s. disco 596 8 Such-as he was, there be few 389 7 Suchen-wo wir sie nie s 194 4 Suck-baby s., mother's love 55 2 give thee s. as mortal r253 16 melancholy out of a song 505 24 the soil's fertility 867 12 Sucked-all o'er like an 599 15 Suckers-sends out s. into 85 22 Sucking-gently as any s. dove . . . 840 22 Suckled-by freedom 44 18 Romulus and Remus s 583 2 Sucklings-mouths of babes and s. 55 17 Sucks-in the dregs of each 462 17 where the bee s 254 8 Suction-good power o's 205 10 like woodcocks, upon s 210 17 Sudden-as a bolt out of 713 22 farewells should be s 579 17 thoughts so s 788 26 too unadvised, too s 354 6 Sue-banish what they s. for 74 16 plead, lament and s 901 17 Suffecerit-cui non s. orbis 229 6 Suffer-all alike 412 8 am armed to s 584 11 and be strong 268 8 and labor much 424 21 deserved to s 197 4 do as truly s 735 26 do not s. for offenses 650 4 do not s. in dream 800 16 faults by which we s 302 13 great souls s. in silence 709 19 hell I s. seems a heaven 363 13 in the mind tos 200 19 it through despite 872 3 less to s. punishment 651 6 little children s Ill 7 mind to s. with the body 397 7 not the old King 684 14 so much from critics 47 15 that can s. wisely 829 16 them now 867 11 these little ones Ill 22 to redeem our loss 210 7 we s. and toil 634 19 which I must have or s 715 19 who breathes must s 450 12 ye who s. not more grief 342 9 see also Suffering pp. 762, 763 Sufferance-in corporal s. finds. . .177 10 is badge of all our tribe 406 26 mind s. doth o'erskip 343 14 Suffered-being s., rivers 272 25 I have s. with those 704 16 the small have s 283 27 see also Suffering pp. 762, 763 Sufferer-best of men was as 310 13 kept secret by the s 714 14 round the s.'s, temples 255 25 Sufferest-more of mortal griefs.. . 92 4 Suffereth-charity s. long 107 4 Suffering-among God's s. poor. . . 495 12 and Death inhabit here 364 2 anodynes that deaden s 358 4 brings experience 244 13 child of s. thou may 'st 620 24 choose the s. side 414 16 hath in her s. won 716 17 individual is compensated 652 1 injury to all who are in s 394 7 learn in s. what they 608 13 no stranger to s 596 8 or triumphing 262 16 tears to human s. are due 783 22 threads spun thro' s.'s 358 16 to one heart's s 429 2 see also Suffering pp. 762, 763 Sufferings-contemplation of s. . . . 515 9 happier still after s 480 17 poets by their s. grow 605 12 present s. seem greater 762 16 relieve s. of others 596 8 touch the mind 783 19 which come from their own.. . .265 22 worse b. must ensue 130 22 see also Suffering pp. 762, 763 Suffices-tomb now s. him 229 5. Sufficiency-an elegant s 136 2 of merit is to know 511 5 Sufficient-at one time 602 6 for his wants 134 18 know my merit is not s 511 B not s. for a kite's dinner 359 1 one world is not s 915 13 to have stood 295 18 understand that he is s 328 16 unto the day is the evil 305 11 virtue was s. of herself 836 9 Sufficitr-huic tumulus 229 B Suffocates-suppressed grief s 342 24 Suffrage-dependent on s 667 17 whites to right of s 332 14 Suffragia-ventosas plebis s 612 3 Suffragiis-in s. voce melius 611 7 Sugar-discourse hath been as s. . . 744 8 o'er the.devil 383 20 pile up honey upon s 774 21 Suggestion-subtle s. is fairer 61 13 Suggestions-surmises and s 171 2 Sui-immemores esse s 586 14 Suicide-by the act of s 306 22 see also Suicide p. 763 Suing r long to bide 902 12 Suis-je pense, done je s 788 3 j'y s., et j'y reste 851 9 Suisse-d'argent point de s 523 15 Suit-an unpaid tailor snatch'd.. . . 777 2 a s. of sables 193 12 despise thee and thy s 899 11 grave but a plain s 524 13 la victoire me s 833 7 lightly won 901 17 marry with a s. of clothes 776 20 nothing to do with assault 410 14 on speeds the smiling s 434 6 press a s. with passion 899 2 should prevail in his s 761 16 th' embroider'd s 777 2 the s. of night 363 20 Suitable-decent as more s 758 23 Suited-is never s. after 514 3 Suitors-rejected several s 139 19 Suits-in no worldly s. would 504 14 nor s. of solemn black 533 12 trappings and s. of woe 533 12 wear strange s 810 13 Suivirent-le s. toujours tant 9 10 Sullen-how s. he would be 740 18 husband's s. dogged, shy .497 8 night with her s. wings 555 23 Sullied-hiB understanding 790 4 Sulphur-Calvin, oat-cakes, s 693 2 darkened with s .827 17 Sulphurous-sharp and s. bolt 754 IB Sultan-after S. with his Pomp. . .915 9 rich in many a gem 591 10 to the realm of Death 490 22 when the S. goes to Ispahan. . . 210 9 Sultans-poets are s 607 19 Sum-all perfection up 233 11 cogi to, ergo s 788 3 could not make up my s 478 7 et omnis in hoc s 820 2 execrable s. of villanies 716 16 nimirum hie ego s 848 3 non s. qualis eram : . . 94 12 of all their follies 892 9 of earthly bliss 73 1 of human things 828 14 of life's bewailing 904 16 of me is unlesson'd girl 423 2 of Shakespeare's wit 700 24 sed quod s. non poles 126 13 total of all sums 237 22 Sumachs-still the s. grow 218 6 Sumere-beneficium scit s 267 7 Summa-bona s. putts 212 19