Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1329

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not too importunate 719 6 of a tub 67 1 of her years be done 680 21 of horrid apparition 33 22 old t. and often told 672 14 open to the babbler's t 341 11 or adorn at 542 IS Persian t. for half crown 608 4 plain t. shall put you down—821 21 reach alien's ears 729 6 shepherd tells his t 900 20 so high the specious t 485 11 so like an old t 554 8 sooner heard than told 688 8 sorrow is some old t 718 18 suspect your t. untrue 819 19 tedious as a twice-told t 755 9 telling the self-same t 558 18 that 1 relate 496 17 that's merrier than the 461 8 then I will tell you a t 528 2 thereby hangs a t. 452 18 told his soft T. 899 20 told the merriest t 117 « unfold whose lightest 755 16 warbles her plaintive i 558 20 was undoubtedly true 619 21 which every schoolboy 218 8 see also Story-Telling p. 755 Talent-carriere ouverte aux t 21 does what it can 309 18 doing easily is t 308 4 entre esprit et t 309 8 esbildeteinT 9928 fool possessed of t 411 20 genius is an intuitive i 308 7 has deserved at 653 28 is nurtured in solitude 90 25 kein T. doch ein Charakter.... 100 8 lurks in obscurity 565 18 more with than t. 885 1 murder like t. seems to run—534 13 no t. at writing 47 17 no t. but a character 100 8 not the t. to abuse 690 9 of our English nation 660 18 of pleasing 600 4 of speaking much 907 12 people who lack t 885 1 single t. well employed 836 27 that which is in man's power.. 309 12 what is impossible for t 308 4 see also Talent p. 777 Talenta-let them use their t 881 8 men of t. punished 651 23 nature is the master of t 309 2 requires as great t 889 9 splendid t. for missing 253 4 that attract people 392 IS their t scan 217 7 tried their t. at one or 150 8 see also Talent p. 777 Tales-drank her whispered t 482 11 fear increased with t 164 6 hear t. of ships 568 10 in seeking t 227 10 of all t. 'tis the saddest 689 23 of sorrow done 726 18 telling t. of the fairy 649 18 tell t. out of school 329 13 that to me were so dear 506 7 twenty t. of love 578 4 see also Story-Telling p. 755 Talk-about the rest of us 97 9 and I toot 71012 and never think 206 1 as they please about 522 3 dare nothing but t 649 2 do as well as to t 881 1 have him t to me 81 8 however learned you t. about it 24518 in after-dinner t 755 20 in various t. 667 21 it needs not 469 23 let's t of graves 234 13 nothing but business 85 8 not much t, a great silence... .708 20 not of temples 547 28 of nothing but high life 137 10 of wills 339 22 only to conceal the mind 745 3 six times with same lady 496 8 spent an hour's t 51127 they t. in flowers 280 21 [merged small][ocr errors] we t. with goblins, owls 254 2 when I can t. I'll tell Mama... 507 12 when it becomes town t 502 3 with civet in the room 593 17 with our past hours 696 18 witty to t. with 896 8 you are the t. of the town 329 18 see also Talk pp. 777, 778 Talked-I t. to myself 696 9 likepoorPoll 231 1 Lord, how it t 777 12 our hearta out 34512 the night away 726 II village statesmen t 553 7 what others t. of 106 10 wrote or rehearsed 758 12 Talker-for he is also at 153 21 Talkers-are no good doers 778 14 good t. only found in Paris 778 17 Talking-age and whispering... .356 7 conceited t. spark 778 4 does de t. an de flyin' 890 4 guilt of t. on things 709 10 he will be t. as they say 885 13 is not always to converse 777 17 loose way of t 393 12 of themselves 471 22 profess not t 818 Talks-about her own children... 48 16 much must talk in vain 137 8 quite glibly 192 13 simplicity t. of pies 483 18 that t. with man 512 17 until it t. to me a bit 519 19 when it t. too long 883 19 see also Talk pp. 777, 778 Tall-and slender, and sallow 350 11 hero always should be t 365 18 her stature t., I hate a dumpy.887 16 ao exceeding t. and strong 324 20 sotandbold 225 8 the wise, the reverend 236 IS were I so t. to reach pole 739 16 yet so t. of soul 72 7 TalIevrand-inthe"Nain Juane".742 6 Tally-the score and t 634 1 Talma-taught Napoleon 701 1 Talmud-and Alcoran 513 1 Talons-falcon's piercing t 146 2 wounded by thy t 268 16 Tarn-landlady and T. grew 899 6 lo'ed him like a vera 29624 was glorious, o'er all ills 832 8 Tamansks-noon behind thet. ..116 18 Tambour-mon co3ur comme t.. .441 12 Tame-^nd talk him out of 778 IS music's force can t. savage 539 6 when once it is within 784 3 Tameless-energies, no longer t. .911 10 Tamer-of the human breast 9 24 Taming-a monster t 306 23 Tamnue-glow'red amazed 511 13 Tammy-my boy T 900 17 Tancredi-recitative from T 56 8 Tandaradi-sang the nightingale.659 2 Tang-goes the harpsicord 540 11 Tangere-noli me t 698 17 Tangibility-beliefs, have no t 3B4 10 Tangle-of good and badness 105 11 Tankard-totty with October t.... 767 7 Tannenbaum-wie treu sind 365 6 Tantalus-stone over T 770 IB Tantivy-hark forward, t 108 8 Taper-call their midnight t 256 13 close about this t 551 II curl round hi.- midnight t 806 2 exulting in their t 51 14 hope, like gleaming t. 'slight ..376 2 husband out life's t 666 26 I'll give you at 918 12 life's dying t. burns 746 18 moths around a t 26 I of conviviality 301 16 to the sun my little t 48 1 where yon t. cheers the vale.. .364 16 while yet the t. glows 454 12 Tapers-answer, ye evening t 606 18 hold their glimmering t 48 9 liket. cleare 749 26 like two funereal t 829 1 lit her glimmering t 239 8 seem but sad, funeral t 360 21 Tapestry-the t. weavers 908 IS Tapfere-iwar der T. nennt 82 4 Tap-roota-reaching t h rough 875 8 Tarn-through T.'s halls 538 10 Tar-baby-ain't sayin' nuthin'... .293 10 Tard-gratia qua t. est 267 6 Tarda-festinatio t. est 353 26 Taruily-favor t. bestowed 267 6 resolves more t 668 24 Tardiness-makes up for t 671 IS Tarditatem-supplicii 671 II Tardy-annoying than t. friend... 187 16 as t. as too slow 479 19 moving with t. pace 414 7 raise the t. bust 435 26 though it prove 41311 Tares-grow strong 304 21 Targeta-their enemies were t. .. .725 10 Tarnish-shining names 916 1 Tarnished-black with t. gold 78 3 Tarpeian-the rude T. rock 438 6 Tarquin-andCosar had each... .811 14 Tarried-by the roadside 497 22 have I not t.? 139 10 Tarry-at Jericho 849 8 not, I bid thee haste 379 6 what should I t. for 406 19 Tars-jolly t. are our men 223 20 Tart-make at 98 22 Tartar-arrow from T.'s bow 354 4 bow that guards the T 527 21 words, as a T.'s bow 902 16 Task-accomplish any t 760 4 an educational t 917 9 bless the t. when reaping 756 20 delightful t. to rear 780 10 for all that man has 45320 light is the t. when many 909 15 me to my word 276 16 my t. accomplished 169 11 my t. is smoothly done 425 performed by few 819 quit the light t 843 such a t we can dedicate 860 this is a t. a toil 364 to her t. of beauty 747 18 were easy 881 14 what he reads aeat 657 13 which will need courage 819 3 with weary t. foredone 556 20 TaskmistresB-Custom. severe t. .352 17 Tasks-gentle means and easy t. .311 12 little t. make large return 436 21 well ended ere season's 527 6 Tassels-of maple flowers 39 2 Tasso-'s echoes are no more 831 7 Taste-a donkey's t 126 6 all ashes to the t 3711 all t. of pleasure flies 356 18 at all the very things 924 14 bad t. of the smoker 329 12 confounds the appetite 36 24 dainty Bacchus gross in t 478 16 do but t. his blood 874 20 good sense and good t 698 4 grief is fine that It 520 17 He on earth did t 30 9 her t exact 819 21 hist, is refined 65720 imagination without t 386 22 inferior intellect never t 302 IB instinctive t. teaches 118 4 last t. of sweets 770 12 let me t the whole of it 442 9 matter if t. is the same 213 6 momentary t. of Being 449 13 my beat wines mislike thy t.. .379 6 never t. who always drink 778 6 no disputing about t, 778 20 no other wine tonight 40P 28 not the Pierian spring 436 8 of heaven below 483 13 of your quality 653 7 once tenanted by t 07 14 prosperity with more t 637 19 refinesuoon thet 467 6 sans t, aans everything 16 13 sate the curious t 546 7 shall another man t 157 4 sweetness to the t 476 1 the honied spring 923 3 the joy that springs from 425 2 the luxury of woe 734 20 the melancholy joys 762 13 things sweet to t 214 S3 touch not, t. not 239 21