A Voyage to the South Atlantic and round Cape Horn into the Pacific Ocean, etc./Dedication

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Sir Philip Stephens, Bart.

one of the

Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty,

Member of Parliament for Sandwich,

F. R. S. &c. &c. &c.


In dedicating to you the voyage, which is the subject of the following pages, my gratification would indeed be sincere, (did the work possess an importance which might fully claim your regard:) humble, however, as it's pretensions are, the opportunity, it gives, must serve to testify my sincere respect, my lasting gratitude, for your favors; and I repose with some security, on an extension, of that protection, towards this volume, which has so often been the encouragement, of my professional exertions.

The difficulties which navigators have experienced, in traversing the South Seas and Pacific Ocean, have evidently, from the commencement of your connection with the Admiralty, excited your particular consideration: and it is certain, in all the changes to which that Board has been subject, that the explorer of remote seas, has found in you, a zealous advocate to represent his claims to those, with whom it remained, to bestow the reward due to his endeavours and merits.

As far as I am individually concerned, it is with sincerity I aver, that in all situations of trial and difficulty on unknown and unfriendly coasts, I have found an unceasing consolation in the hope that I possessed your good opinion; and that in the end, my services would obtain, through the channel of your faithful explanation, a liberal requital.

If any distinct praise can confer an honor on your name, (beyond what it bears for the general ability, zeal and integrity, which have been invariably manifested, during the extensive period of your official services), it is most assuredly due for your public, as well as private acts of friendship to those, who like me, have embarked for the purpose of enlarging the bounds of Navigation and Commerce; and I feel a decided conviction, that every follower of the able Captain Cook, will give a cordial assent to this tribute.

I am,
Your truly obliged
and most obedient
humble Servant,

No. 17, Miltman Street, Bedford Row.

James Colnett.