Astounding Science Fiction/Volume 54/Number 06/In Times to Come

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In Times to Come

Next month, Mark Clifton's personnel psychologist who challenged the Army to supply him with six poltergeists, male type, gets his bluff called. Van Dongen's done a lovely cover on it; you'll find the Swami from Brooklyn precariously mounted on his Flying Bath Mat gracing you local newsstand next month. One of the best of our recent covers, I think. And Clifton, as usual, has fun with his "Sense From Thought Divide"—and, while he's having fun, makes a considerable amount of solid sense. If a medium insists he has to have a dim blue light to make his strange phenomena develop, how does he differ from a photographer who insists he has to have a dim reddish light to make his phenomena develop properly?

Astounding is also breaking a tradition next month; for the first time, we will publish a full page photograph of the author of one of our articles. Sylvia Jacobs has a piece on "Hold That Helium!" concerning the proper atmosphere for spaceships. I fear, however, that few readers are apt to recognize.Mrs. Jacobs from her published picture. But you'll see next month. . . .

The Editor.