Hand-book of Volapük/1.11

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129169Hand-book of Volapük — 1.111887Charles E. Sprague


Laned, country (not the city). Län, country (a division of land).
Dom, house. Lödöp, dwelling.
Sevob, I know, am acquainted. Ab, but.
with (not, I know a fact). No, not, no.
Zif, town. Men, human being, person.
Lödob, I live, dwell. In, in (followed by the kimfal).

Dom at binom lödöp obsik. Man et labom cilis kil; sevob cilis ab no mani it. Zif at labom domis tum e menis veltum. Mans, voms e cils binoms mens. Sevol tideli e tedeli; ob sevob manis ot. Man ut, kel lödom in dom et, binom lautel, e penom bukis.

This country is mine. I live in that house. The men who live in that town know us. We live in the same town. These animals are horses.



The relativ pronoun is kel, who, which, what. It has the force or a conjunction and a pronoun. It is used independently or as an adjectiv.



The interrogativ pronoun is kim ? kif ? kis ? when used independently, and kiom ? kiof ? kios ? when used as an adjectiv.



All other adjectivs are formed from nouns by adding the ending -ik. Gud, goodness; gudik, good. Löf, love; löfik, dear; löflik, lovely. Yel, year; yelik, pertaining to the year; yelsik, yearly. Any word with the end-syllable -ik is surely an adjectiv.