Letter to William H. Seward from Sarah Josepha Hale

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Letter to William H. Seward from Sarah Josepha Hale (1864)
by Sarah Josepha Hale
1204937Letter to William H. Seward from Sarah Josepha Hale1864Sarah Josepha Hale


Philadelphia, Oct. 9th 1864

Hon. Wm H. Seward, Secy. of State --

My dear Sir--

Enclosed is an article (or proof) on the National Thanksgiving. As you were, last year, kindly interested in this subject, I venture to request your good offices again.--

My article will appear in the November number of the "Lady's Book;" but before its publication I trust that President Lincoln will have issued his Proclamation appointing the last Thursday in November as the Day.

I send a copy of the proof for the President. You will greatly oblige me by handing this to him and acquainting him with the contents of this letter. I do not like to trouble him with a note. Should the president see fit to issue his proclamation at once, the important papers would have time to reach the knowledge of American citizens in Europe and Asia, as well as throughout our wide land. If the President should recommend that all American ministers and consuls, etc-- should observe the Day in their respective offices in Foreign countries would it not have a good effect on our citizens abroad? And if, on land and sea, wherever the American Flag floats over an American citizen all should be invited and unite in this National Thanksgiving, would it not be a glorious festival? Hastily -- but truly yours

Sarah Josepha Hale