Page:(Ane hundred) godly lessons that a mother on her death-bed gave to her children.pdf/3

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Uſe not thy Lips to loathſom Lies,
by Craft increaſe no Wealth;
And ſtrive not with a mighty Man,
with Temprance nouriſh Health.
Look that thou order well thy Words,
leave not thy Friends for Gold,
Truſt not too much before thou try,
in venturing be not bold.

In GOD repoſe thy ſtrength and ſtay,
with Tongue extol his Praiſe;
Honour thy Parents, and the LORD,
he will prolong thy Days.
He that his Father honoureth,
GOD will forgive his Sin:
He that his Mother loves, is like,
one that doth Favour win.

A Child obedient to the LORD,
his Mother Comfort ſhall;
The Fathers Bleſſing ſtays the Houſe,
his Curſe doth make it fall.
A wiſe Child makes his Father glade,
fools do their Mother grieve;
And ſhame ſhall come on ſuch as do,
their Parents not relieve.
