Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 3, Underwear) (IA completecoursein03cono).pdf/26

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Fig. (30) True up the lower edge
Fig. 30. This illustrates a case where the front needed trimming off a little.

As the front and back edges of the darts must sew together, they must measure exactly the same. As the seams are just one line above the bust line, DE, Fig. 28, and line DC, Fig. 29, test the length of the sides of the darts below these lines. TL should measure exactly the same as TM, Fig. 28. The best way of truing up the darts is to measure TL and then mark this same distance on TM. If TM is shorter or longer reslope the lower edge from M to R, starting from the new point marked on line TM. True up the other darts in the same way.

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