Page:Abbot's Guide to Ottawa.djvu/24

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buildings on the farm are open every day except Sunday, while the grounds are open daily, Sunday included. Everything is under the control of the Director, Mr. J. H. Grisdale, B. Agr.


The Canadian Fisheries Exhibit, corner O'Connor and Queen streets, contains sepcimens of Canadian fishes, birds, shells, etc., and models of boats and fishing crafts. Open daily, except Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.


This typical French-Canadian hamlet, largely composed of raftsmen and lumber-jacks, lies at the junction of the Gatineau and Ottawa rivers. A pretty view of it is obtained from the Driveway where it winds through Rockcliffe Park. In seasons of high water in the Ottawa, the lower parts of the little village, and also many suburban residences, are frequently flooded, and boats are rowed ever the streets. The spire of the little French church is a striking object in the landscape.


This, the elder of the twin cities, has not become in some respects so well known as has the younger scion of the pioneers already referred to, but it is the nucleus of the industries on this part of the river. The first settler took up land a little over 100 years ago, and with varying vicissitudes the spot