Page:Account of the last words of Christian Kerr.pdf/16

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The laſt words of Chriſtian Kerr, &c.

it contradicts the proper experience both of wicked and pious perſons on their death-beds, which is of more force than a thouſand oppoſite arguments.

What a helliſh ſting have the ungodly felt in their conſciences, when they were on the brink of eternity and of another world? In the time of health and proſperity, ſin has been ſweet to them like honey, but affrighting and bitter has in been to them when they came to die. Then they have deſired the counſels and prayers of miniſters, and confeſſed to them their folly and negligence; how they have treated them with contempt and ſcorn in their time.

What a worm did Francis Spira feed? He was like a living man in hell! how deep were his convictions? how frightful his looks? how deſperate his complaints? how grievous his agonie? was he not fond of making away with himſelf with his own hands, amidſt his horror and anguiſh? I have had little pleaſure here, ſaid Roger, but now I muſt away to hell for evermore.

Chalaner was a moſt dreadful monument of juſtice, he blaſphemed the God of heaven, curſing himſelf, and crying continually, O torture, torture! O torture, torture! as if both ſoul and body had been already in hell, beſides what ſensible experience have the godly at death, of their after recompence! are they not ſometimes put into heaven before, and banquetted with the antipaſts of that joy that raviſhes the bleſſed to all eternity! the above-mentioned child was an apparent inſtance to this purpoſe; ſhe had the lapſes of the ſpirit, the incomes of Chriſt's love, the views and glampſes of the land of promiſe, which made her glad to leave this world, and be ever with the Lord.