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The laſt words of Chriſtian Kerr,

cy deſigned for glory: How much was ſhe enamoured with Jeſus Chriſt! did not a world, ay, ten thouſand words ſeem to her as nothing in compariſon to him! was not her heart lifted with the contemplation of paradiſe, where ſhe would get a crown on her head, and a ſong in her mouth, how affectionate was ſhe in commending Chriſt to others, for the ſienſible experience ſhe had of him herſelf: upon the day above mentioned, at night ſeeing her mother looking to her, ſhe cried out, O mother! mother! I am going to Chriſt; I now hope in him, he will not leave me; O rejoice and be glad with me; I have given myself to him, he will not forſake me; I am going to get a glorious crown, a crown of many pardons: her father coming to her, ſhe intreated him alſo to rejoice, and ſaid, you would rejoice if I were healed of my bodily trouble, and would certainly have loved that perſon that would heal me; but ſhould we not love Chriſt more, that will heal my ſoul and take me to himſelf, and make me ever happy. I do not deſire to live in the world, father it you could give me the whole univerſe, I would rather die, Chriſt hath died for me; Chriſt is better to me that all the world; I truſt to the merits of Chriſt; upon the croſs he bowed his head and gave up the ghoſt, having ſaid, It is finiſhed. at the repetition of which words ſhe ſeemed to exult and triumph.

Mr George Andrew, one of the miniſters of Edinburgh, have come to viſit her on the Lord's day, the firſt of February, and aſking at her, how ſhe was? She anſwered, I am not well, but I will be well; Being interrogate if ſhe was content to die? ſhe anſwered yes: where is your hope then ſaid he? ſhe replied, In the merits of Chriſt; he has died for me. When he enquired, what haſt thou hope that makes thee believe that Chriſt died for thee? I know, ſaid ſhe, I deſerve damnation inſtead of ſalvation, but he is a good and gracious God I have given my