Page:America's National Game (1911).djvu/366

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son, President of the American League; and August Herrmann, of the National League, chosen by the others as Chairman of the Commission. These gentlemen served until the death of Mr. Pulliam, in July, 1909, who was succeeded by Thomas J. Lynch, the Commission as at present constituted consisting of Messrs. Herrmann, Lynch and Johnson.

Most fortunate, indeed, was the selection of August Herrmann as third member of the National Commission. Honest, earnest, ever devoted to the interests of the game, he has brought to bear upon all cases brought before that body for adjudication a mind unprejudiced, a judgment keenly analytical and fair, and a will unswervable from the cause of justice. Much of the credit for the splendid record of the National Commission belongs to August Herrmann, who has stood through his incumbency of a trying position above criticism as an impartial and upright official. It is to be hoped that his services may be long retained as Chairman of the Commission that he has honored.

Thus has been established a Supreme Court of Base Ball. It has thus far worked admirably. It will continue so to act as long as men are at the head of the National Game who are willing to subordinate personal ends and aggrandizement to the good of the sport. Let us hope that condition will last henceforth and forever—that the people may never lose confidence in this ideal tribunal.

In the evolution of Base Ball, it took many years for those in control of the game to learn the very simple