Page:America's National Game (1911).djvu/530

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and the other nearly so. Chicago has one of the most magnificent outdoor grounds in the United States, equipped by Charles Comiskey, of the Chicago American League Club. Pittsburg has erected a stand which is a model, and Cleveland is the fortunate possessor of an up-to-date outdoor park which probably will stand as long as there is Base Ball. Every foot of the structure on this modern edifice is concrete or steel.

Washington has a new concrete and steel stand and the Boston American League club shortly is to have one. St. Louis owners contemplate building and will put in concrete and steel whenever they improve their parks. The Chicago National League club contemplates a new structure that may eclipse them all. So, everywhere, there is a tendency to add to the solidity and the permanency of the sport, which assures more comfort for patrons.

Nor is the lavish expenditure for better accommodations for Base Ball patrons confined to the larger cities of the major league circuits. Indianapolis and Toledo, of the American Association, have new and expensive plants.

Newark and Baltimore, in the Eastern League, have recently rebuilt their grounds, while Toronto, in the same circuit, possesses a new, fireproof stand.

Atlanta, in the Southern League, has an equipment far better than most major league clubs could boast ten years ago, and at Birmingham, Ala., the owners of the Base Ball club have a new concrete and steel structure which is a gem. It well belongs to the "Gem City of the South."