Page:Book of common prayer (TEC, 1979).pdf/84

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Then follows

The Psalm or Psalms Appointed

At the end of the Psalms is sung or said

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: *   
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever.  Amen.

The Lessons

One or two Lessons, as appointed, are read, the Reader first saying

A Reading (Lesson) from________________

The Officiant may then conclude with one of the following

After each Lesson the Reader may say

The Word of the Lord.
Answer Thanks be to God.

Or the Reader may say   Here ends the Lesson (Reading).

Silence may be kept after each Reading. One of the following Canticles, or one of those on pages 47‑52 (Canticles 1‑7), is sung or said after each Reading. If three Lessons are used, the Lesson from the Gospel is read after the second Canticle.

84Morning Prayer II