Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 7.djvu/30

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xxvi Contents. CHAPTER XXIII. THE AMERICAN INTELLECT By BARRETT WENDELL, Professor of English in Harvard University. PAGE Strength of American Nationality . . . . . 723 National character in England and America .... 724 Conservatism of American character . ... 725 Seventeenth century New England ...... 726 Idealism in New England. Cotton Mather .... 727 The Magnolia and New England character . ... 728 Eighteenth century. Jonathan Edwards . . . . . 729 Eighteenth century politics. The Revolution .... 730 Legal training and its results . . . . . . 731 Benjamin Franklin ......... 732 State of law in the eighteenth century 733 Influence of the Courts on American law 734 Legislation and unwritten law 735 Spirit of legal interpretation 736 Religion and philosophy; principle and practice . . . 737 Sectarianism. Channing ........ 738 Emerson and the Transcendentalists . ... 739 Early literary efforts ....... 740 The "Hartford Wits." Brown. Irving . . . 741 Irving. Cooper. Bryant 742 The Knickerbocker Magazine. Poe ..... 743 Boston orators: Webster; Choate ; Everett .... 744 Prescott. Motley. Parkman. Ticknor. Thoreau . . . 745 Whittier. Longfellow. Lowell. Holmes. Hawthorne . . 746 Changes in New England. Whitman. Harte . . 747 The modern age. The fine arts 748 American architecture ... .... 749 Science and education ...... . 750 Education and character .... . 751