Page:Canadian Singers and Their Songs.djvu/79

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A Soldier’s Shrines


Two secret shrines there are for me:
The one a wayside calvary,
Low-canopied by fir and pine
And thither oft I steal away,
Kneel penitent & pray
Christ grants forgiveness, free, divine;
And Mary Virgin, grace benign;
And John his tender charity.
O welcome wayside calvary,
O calm, secluded shrine,
O sweet retreat of mine,
Whose holy peace brings blissful eucrasy!


Another shrine for me there is,
Recessed, inviolate, within
The ruby chamber of my Love’s pure heart;
And only I, her devoter, I wis,
May duly enter in,
And supplicate & worship there apart.
Before her dear remembered Image now,
Unworthy worshiper, I bow:
Her winsome graces are my Creed;
Her low, meek speech, my Litany:
Her tender thoughts, my Rosary
And her 'Absolvo te,' my strength—for holier deed
O Heart of Mine, O Heart of Mine,
Whos secret chamber is my constant shrine!

France, Ap. 1917J.D. Logan