Page:Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent Buckley.djvu/142

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It shall be lawful for no one, by Virtue of any Privilege, to punish the Clerks of another.

Furthermore, inasmuch as there are certain persons, some of whom even are true pastors, and have their own sheep, who seek also to rule over the sheep of others, and at times give their attention in such wise to the subjects of others, as to neglect the care of their own; whosoever there may be, even though of episcopal dignify, who may have the privilege of punishing the subjects of another, shall by no means proceed against clerks not subject to him, especially against such as are in holy orders, be they guilty of even atrocious crimes; except with the intervention of the proper bishop of the said clerks, if that bishop be resident in his own church, or of a person to be deputed by the said bishop: otherwise, the proceedings, and all the consequences thereof, shall be wholly without force.


The Benefices of one Diocese shall under no Pretence he united to the Benefices of another.

And inasmuch as it is with the best reason that dioceses and parishes[1] have been made distinct, and to each flock their proper pastors assigned, and to inferior churches their rectors, each to take care of his own sheep, that ecclesiastical order may not be confounded, or one and the same church in a manner belong to two dioceses, not without grievous inconvenience to those who are subject thereunto; the benefices of one diocese, be they even parochial churches, perpetual vicarages, simple benefices, prestimonies, or prestimonial portions, shall not be united in perpetuity to a benefice, or monastery, or college, or even to a pious place, of another diocese, not even with the view of augmenting divine worship, or the number of beneficiaries, or for any other cause soever; thus explaining the decree of this holy synod touching such unions.

  1. Parochiæ