Page:Carroll - Notes by an Oxford Chiel.djvu/62

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See the 'fell unity of purpose' now
With which Obstructives plunge into the row[1]!
'Factious Minorities,' we used to sigh—
'Factious Majorities!' is now the cry.
'Votes—ninety-two'—no combination here:
'Votes—ninety-three'—conspiracy, 'tis clear[2]!
You urge ''Tis but a unit.' I reply
That in that unit lurks their 'unity.'
Our voters often bolt, and often baulk us,
But then they never, never go to caucus!
Our voters can't forget the maxim famous
'Semel electum semper eligamus';
They never can be worked into a ferment
By visionary promise of preferment,
Nor taught, by hints of 'Paradise[3]' beguiled,
To whisper 'C for Chairman' like a child[4]!

  1. 'But what are we to do? Here is a great political and theological party .... labouring under perfect discipline and with fell unity of purpose, to hold the University in subjection, and fill her government with its nominees.'
  2. At a recent election to Council, the Liberals mustered ninety-two votes, and the Conservatives ninety-three; whereupon the latter were charged with having obtained their victory by a conspiracy.
  3. 'Not to mention that, as we cannot promise Paradise to our supporters, they are very apt to take the train for London just before the election.'
  4. It is not known to what the word 'Paradise' was intended to allude, and therefore the hint, here thrown out, that the writer meant to recall the case of the late Chairman of Mr. Gladstone's committee, who had been recently collated to the See of Chester, is wholly wanton and gratuitous.