Page:Carroll - Notes by an Oxford Chiel.djvu/96

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The foulest blot on fairest face
That ever marred a noble place—
Burns with the pangs it will not own,
Pangs felt by loyal sons alone?'

§ 10. On the logical treatment of the new Belfry, Ch. Ch.

The subject has been reduced to three Syllogisms.

The first is in 'Barbara.' It is attributed to the enemies of the Belfry.

Wooden buildings in the midst of stone-work are barbarous;
Plain rectangular forms in the midst of arches and decorations are barbarous;
Ergo, The whole thing is ridiculous and revolting.

The second is in 'Celarent,' and has been most carefully composed by the friends of the Belfry.

The Governing Body would conceal this appalling structure, if they could;
The Governing Body would conceal the feelings of chagrin with which they now regard it, if they could;
Ergo, ....... (MS. unfinished.)

The third Syllogism is in 'Festino,' and is the