Page:Catholic Hymns Formby.djvu/42

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The sacred minster bell,
It peals o'er hill and dell:
May, &c.
Oh, hark to what it sings,
As joyously it rings.
May, &c.

When you begin the day,
Oh, never fail to say,
May, &c.
And at your work rejoice
To sing with heart and voice,
May, &c.

Be this at meals your grace,
In every time and place,
May, &c.
Be this, when day is past,
Of all your thoughts the last,
May, &c.

To God the Word on high
The hosts of augels cry,
May, &c.
Let children too upraise
Their voice in hymns of praise:
May, &c.

Let earth's wide circle round
In joyful notes resound:
May, &c.
Let air and sea and sky
Through depth and height reply,
May Jesus Christ he prais'd!