Page:Christmas Carols Ancient and Modern.djvu/108

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extremities, although far different in public estimation from those of former times, a few further particulars will not be out of place. Traces of the fool’s dance, a sort of religious mummery at Christmas, may be discovered as far back as the time of Edward the ‘Third. In the early part of Henry the Sixth’s reign, there are payments to “Jakke Travaill & ses compaignons faisans diverses jeuues & eutreludes dedeins le feste de Noell devant notre dit sire le Roi.”[1]

The feast of fools, and the feast of asses, with other similar observances, were probably derived from some of the rites of idolatry. The ceremonies on the last of these festivals, as described by Ducange, appear to us in the present day as perfect profanation of religion, there being a regular burlesque service in honour of the ass, and all sorts of impurities committed even at the holy altar, and a hymn was sung, beginning as follows:

Orientis partibus
Adventavit asinus;
Patcher et fortissimus,
Sarcinis aptissimus.

Hez, sire asnes, car chantez;
Belle bouche rechignez;
Vous aurez du foin assez
Et de l’avoine à plantez.

The chorus to the last verse was in the following beautiful strain—

Her va! her va! her va her!
Bialx Sire Asncs car aller;
Bclle bouche car chantez.[2]

  1. Nichols’s Progresses, xli, n.
  2. A full account of this service is given by Ducange, voce Festum: and in Hone on Mysteries, p. 160, &e. many interesting particulars will be found respecting this and similar customs.