Page:Christmas Carols Ancient and Modern.djvu/25

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beg to speak with due respect, whether he be the descendant of the Vice of the Moralities with his wooden lath, or not (though Harlequin may better answer this description); he still maintains his ground, and has been the cause of laughter to most of us; long and late therefore may it be before he is compelled by the "march of intellect" to squeak out his adieus, and favour us with his reminiscences.

During the destructive wars of York and Lan-

    1. Cain killeth his Brother Abel.
    2. Abraham offering his Son Isaac.
    3. Three Wisemen of the East guided by a Star, who Worship him.
    4. Joseph and Mary flee away by Night upon an Ass.
    5. King Herod's cruelty, his Men's spears laden with Children.
    6. Rich Dives invites his Friends, and orders his Porter to keep the Beggars from his Gate.
    7. Poor Lazarus comes a begging at Rich Dives's Gate, the Dogs lick his Sores.
    8. The good Angel and Death contends for Lazarus's Life.
    9. Rich Dives is taken sick and dieth, he is buried in great solemnity.
    10. Rich Dives in Hell, and Lazarus in Abraham's Bosom, seen in a most glorious Object, all in machines, descending in a Throne, Guarded with multitudes of Angels, with the Breaking of the Clouds, discovering the Palace of the Sun, in double and treble Prospects, to the Admiration of all Spectators.

    Likewise several Rich and Large Figures, which Dances Jiggs, Sarabands, Anticks and Country Dances between every Act; compleated with the merry Humors of Sir John Spendall and Punchinello, with several other things never yet Exposed.

    Performed by Mat. Heatly.
    Vivat Regina."

    "At Crawly's Booth, over against the Crown Tavern in Smithfield, during the time of Bartholomew-Fair, a little Opera, call'd the Old Creation of the World, yet Newly revivd, with the addition of Noah's Flood," &c.