Page:Descent of Man 1875.djvu/690

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  • Sailors and soldiers, difference in the proportions of, 32.
  • St. John, Mr., on the attachment of mated birds, 410.
  • St. Kilda, beards of the inhabitants of, 560.
  • Salmo eriox, and S. umbla, colouring of the male, during the breeding season, 340.
  • —— lycaodon, 333.
  • —— salar, 333.
  • Salmon leaping out of fresh water, 107; male, ready to breed before the female, 212; proportion of the sexes in, 249; male, pugnacity of the, 332; male, characters of, during the breeding season, 332, 340; spawning of the, 344; breeding of immature male, 485.
  • Salvin, O., inheritance of mutilated feathers, 60, 384, 603; on the Humming-birds, 219, 454; on the numerical proportion of the sexes in Humming-birds, 248, 487; on Chamœpetes andPenelope, 377; on Selasphorus platycercus, 378; Pipra deliciosa, 378; on Chasmorhynchus, 389.
  • Samoa Islands, beardlessness of the natives of, 560, 581.
  • Sand-skipper, 270.
  • Sandwich Islands, variation in the skulls of the natives of the, 26; decrease of native population, 186; population of, 257; superiority of the nobles in the, 587.
  • —— Islanders, lice of, 170.
  • San-Giuliano, women of, 586.
  • Santali, recent rapid increase of the, 45; Mr. Hunter on the, 192.
  • Saphirina, characters of the males of, 271.
  • Sarkidiornis melanonotus, characters of the young, 465.
  • Sars, O., on Pontoporeia affinis, 266.
  • Saturnia carpini, attraction of males by the female, 252.
  • —— Io, difference of coloration in the sexes of, 316.
  • Saturniidœ, coloration of the, 314, 315.
  • Savage, Dr., on the fighting of the male gorillas, 562; on the habits of the gorilla, 591.
  • Savage and Wyman on the polygamous habits of the gorilla, 217.
  • Savages, uniformity of, exaggerated, 28; long-sighted, 33; rate of increase among, usually small, 45; retention of the prehensile power of the feet by, 52; imitative faculties of, 87; 129; causes of low morality of, 119; tribes of, supplanting one another, 128; improvements in the arts among, 144; arts of, 179; fondness of, for rough music, 380; attention paid by, to personal appearance, 574; relation of the sexes among, 591.
  • Saviotti, Dr., division of malar bone, 39.
  • Saw-fly, pugnacity of a male, 291.
  • Saw-flies, proportions of the sexes in, 254.
  • Saxicola rubicola, young of, 487.
  • Scalp, motion of the, 13.
  • Scent-glands in snakes, 352.
  • Schaaffhausen, Prof., on the development of the posterior molars in different races of man, 20; on the jaw from La Naulette, 40; on the correlation between muscularity and prominent supra-orbital ridges, 44; on the mastoid processes of man, 53; on modifications of the cranial bones, 56; on human sacrifices, 144; on the probable speedy extermination of the anthropomorphous apes, 156; on the ancient inhabitants of Europe, 181; on the effects of use and disuse of parts, 197; on the superciliary ridge in man, 556; on the absence of race-differences in the infant skull in man, 557; on ugliness, 584.
  • Schaum, H., on the elytra of Dytiscus and Hydroporus, 276.
  • Schelver, on dragon-flies, 290.
  • Schiodte, on the stridulation of Heterocerus, 302.
  • Schlegel, F. von, on the complexity of the languages of uncivilised peoples, 91.
  • ——, Prof., on Tanysiptera, 468.
  • Schleicher, Prof., on the origin of language, 87.
  • Schomburgk, Sir R., on the pugnacity