Page:Everywoman's World, Volume 7, Number 6.djvu/47

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JUNE 1917


and otherblem-

ishes, an

leaves the skin

white and pink


successful. Makes marvellous restora tions for people who thought they had fost their complexions. Perfectly harm- less and never fails.

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‘How Much

Husband Worth?

fl eae sounds like a very person- al question, but you are only ncial all.

asked to answer it from a fi viewpoint and not a personal one

59% is quite an ordinary rate of interest, and if you had $50,000 producing you 5% interest, you would have an income of

a year from that source, or amonth. At the same rate, $2,000 would id producing $100.00 a month for the


If the husband and breadwinner of the family earns $) month, he actually represents a financial value of $25) invested at 5%.

THE, QUESTION IS:—How much of that $25,000 have you protected by Life Assurance, THE ONLY WAY IT CAN BE PROTECTED, so that your capital may still be available if he, the bread- winner, be taken away?


ASSURANCE COMPANY, with as: $80,000,000,00 is. a safe and logical place to look for the Fictection of the business side of your future.

Write us NOW, to-day, and we will send information showing you and your husband how easy and profitable it is to safeguard his earning power by a Sun Life Assurance Policy.



Heap Orr

Kill The Hair Root

‘My method f the onl; to prevent the hair from growing again. Easy. palstess, hari Boulet trees Weite ed

rampaging over my garden. I wish I could describe how lovely it looked when I left it on that summer afternoon; the buds of feathery carrots, the orderly ranks of onions, the young cabbages just beginning to head; but I will cease from this engrossing subject. When a farmer comes to the Registry office and asks for a description of Willow Tree Marsh, he does not want me to descant on the boundaries of the old Parker Homestead, so I must remember this is to be a study of a singular nervous condition, not a garden manual and confine myself strictly to my case and its cure.

The cure was brindled, of a nervous disposition, and a strayer from bounds, the property of my next-door neighbour, Simp Cutter. My description of Simp would be everything I don't like, squeezed into a checked suit, bought at a bargain sale.

My peaceful garden. My spirit felt soothed as I neared it. I opened the gate. Then a pair of hens arose from the beet bed, I looked and, behold destruction! Carrots, beets, cabbages pulled up and A row of green peas had absolutely vanished, (Dr. Ketchum sat up all night with cow). Cucumbers, onions, she appeared to have tossed on her horns in wanton glee. Chompings and tramplings were over all.

Then something seemed to snap in my brain. The "more overmastering thought" had come.

The dumb spake.

He not only spake, he spake frequently.

"Brindled Beelzebub" was on beginning, as I chased the excited animal around trying to persuade its blind-eyed besotedness to see the gate. I had one glimpse of Simp's white face peering over the fence, so I included him in my anathemas.

I gently recalled his hens that systematically scratched up my as, the empty bottles and tin cans he throws over on my side of the fence after dark, the dead cat I found in my ash-barrel—no cat of ours—the peck of red astrak-hans picked from my tree where it leaned over his fence and sold at Tilley's and many other reminiscences, a real Simp—osium.

The Professor and Pinky came into the yard just then. My niece led me in the house and Wyse drove out the cow. Jane, it appeared, was attending a Committee Meeting for Belgian Relief.

Well, I have been talking ever since. Just as much as is advisable for a Presbyterian, and a Registrar of Deeds to talk.

Pink and Francis have left me. When the Professor was obliged to return to his psycholo gizing, he persuaded Pinky he would be useless without her. I venture to say she has aston ished th en's. JT understand that my case cr great interest

Uncle Lenny is my constant companion. He promised Pinky Wyse he would never invite me out for another little spin, and he has his word. He has a new red car and still goes racketting over our rough country roads, having marvellous escapes.

My soul is knit more closely to his as time tries to make old men of us. I am sure when Lenny Briscom's time comes to float lightly up to the pearly portal, the Guardian of the Gate will smile as he sees the forget-me-not blue guilelessness of that glance, and he will exclaim: "What child-eyed spirit have we here?"

Our Dwelling

THREE considerations should govern you in furnishing your house—what you want, what you need, what you may have.

Usually this is the order in which the furnishing is considered. You begin by wanting many things which you do not need and cannot have. You end by having a number of things you do not need, several that you do not want, and the rest an indescribable jumble of what you have got—somehow.

Probably you furnished without plan or reason, and the result is all that might be expected—likewise without plan or reason. The furnishing of the entire house should be considered, first, in regard to the needs of those who are to live in it, next, in regard to the amount which is to be expended in its upkeep, and then, in regard to the demand of the neighbourhood in which it is situated. The needs of those who are to live in the house are of first importance—it is a waste of room and furnishing to have a house furnished. so that father feels at home in no part of it except the kitchen, and mother finds that spot the only place where she can really sit in comfort. The modern living-room should be substituted in most homes for the old fashioned parlour and the formal drawing room; and it is wiser to have the entire house furnished in a comfortable harmony rather than to have the downstairs well furnished and the upstairs shabby.

In considering each particular room, it saves trouble and worry to take some article as a key note, decorate walls and treat woodwork to harmonize with it, and furnish accordingly. For instance if you have a handsome rug, in good tones of blue, brown and tan, have the walls in tan, the woodwork in brown, the curtains in blue and brown, and the furnishing to match.

If the amount that is to be spent on the upkeep of the house is limited and the work must be done by the mother, then it is better to have as little nickel, brass, etc., to keep clean as possible, and this same rule holds good in all other furnishing,

In considering the neighbourhood, it is best to conform to some extent to the general style, as it is probable that the income of most of the dwellers in that section is about the same.

But it is in the little individual touches that one's personality should be shown. One's house, no matter how large or small, how pretentious or modest, should express something of one's own self; otherwise it is merely a house and not a home.

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Use Absorbine, Jr. wherever a highe | worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the ade Vniment Gf a positive germicide J lighter ones have vanished enticely, It ia seldom

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