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"Good day, Mistress Crow;
'Tis a long time ago
Since friends like ourselves have been found;
Old friends, when they meet,
One another should greet;"
But the Crow did not care to look round.

"'Tis true years have past
Since the time we met last,
But your good looks are just what they were;
The silvery tone
Of your sweet voice alone
Still sounds like a charm in mine ear.

Oh, how I would fain
Once to hear it again!"
Thought the Crow, we should all try to please;
I will just sing one note,—
So she open'd her throat;
When the Fox ran away with her cheese.

H. F.

57. The Cork Leg.

You all, no doubt, have heard or read
Of the great Dutch merchant, Mynheer Van Gled,
Who grew so wondrous rich, 'tis said,
His wealth could scarce be credited,
Ri-too-ral-loo-ral-loo-ral-loo, loo-ral-loo-loo-ral, ri-too-loo-lala.