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Oh, grant us, Mary, good success,
And make our home with plenty smile.
Hail, &c.

Sweet Mother, light our outward track,
Poor helpless little fishers three,
And bring our boat in safety back,
Across the wide and pathless sea.
Hail, &c.

3. The Angelus Bells.
(A Song for Three Children.)

First Child. Morning.

Hail, Mary! now the sun is up:
All things around look glad and bright,
And heatherbell and buttercup
Shake off the dewdrops of the night.
The lambs are frisking in the fields,
The lark is singing in the sky;
And man his wakening tribute yields
To thee and thy sweet Son on high.

Second Child. Noon.

Hail, Mary! midway in the sky
The noontide sun its lustre sheds;
The field-flowers almost seem to die,
So low they hang their drooping heads.
The lambs have sought the woodland shade,
The lark has ceas'd his note of glee;
And pausing in the furrow'd glade,
The ploughman lifts his hat to thee.

Third Child. Evening.

Hail, Mary! now the sun is far

Adown his western path of light;
