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1. The Commission exercises its power within the limits of the Law concerning the sources of law, according to the indications to be given below and its proper Regulations (Regolamento).

2. In the drawing up of draft laws, the Commission makes use of the collaboration of the Councillors of the State, of other experts and of the Organizations of the Holy See and of the State which could be affected by them.

3. The draft laws are submitted in advance, through the Secretariat of State, for the consideration of the Supreme Pontiff.

Art. 5

1. Executive power is exercised by the President of the Commission, in conformity with the present Law and with the other normative dispositions in force.

2. In the exercise of such power, the President is assisted by the General Secretary and by the Vice General Secretary.

3. Questions of greater importance are submitted by the President to the Commission for its study.

Art. 6

Matters of greater importance are dealt with together with the Secretariat of State.

Art. 7

1. The President of the Commission can issue Ordinances, putting into effect legislative and regulatory norms.

2. In cases of urgent necessity, he can issue dispositions having the force of law, which however lose their force if they are not confirmed by the Commission within ninety days.

3. The power to issue general Regulations remains reserved to the Commission.

Art. 8

1. Without prejudice to what is established in articles 1 and 2, the President of the Commission represents the State.

2. He can delegate legal representation to the General Secretary for ordinary administrative activity.

Art. 9

1. The Secretary General assists the President of the Commission in his functions. According to the modalities indicated in the Laws and under the directives of the President of the Commission, he:

a) oversees the application of the Laws and of the other normative dispositions and the