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240|Deuteronomy 21:18

double portion of all that he has. For that son is the firstfruits of his father’s strength; the right of the firstborn belongs to him.

A Rebellious Son
(Luke 15:11–32)

18 If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and does not listen to them when disciplined, 19 his father and mother are to lay hold of him and bring him to the elders of his city, to the gate of his hometown, 20 and say to the elders, “This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious; he does not obey us. He is a glutton and a drunkard.”

21 Then all the men of his city will stone him to death. So you must purge the evil from among you,[1] and all Israel will hear and be afraid.

Cursed Is Anyone Hung on a Tree

22 If a man has committed a sin worthy of death, and he is executed, and you hang his body on a tree,[2] 23 you must not leave the body on the tree overnight, but you must be sure to bury him that day, because anyone who is hung on a tree is under God’s curse.[3] You must not defile the land that the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance.

Various Laws

22 If you see your brother’s ox or sheep straying, you must not ignore it;[4] be sure to return it to your brother. 2 If your brother does not live near you, or if you do not know who he is, you are to take the animal home to remain with you until your brother comes seeking it; then you can return it to him. 3 And you shall do the same for his donkey, his cloak, or anything your brother has lost and you have found. You must not ignore it.

4 If you see your brother’s donkey or ox fallen on the road, you must not ignore it; you must help him lift it up.

5 A woman must not wear men’s clothing, and a man must not wear women’s clothing, for whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD your God.

6 If you come across a bird’s nest with chicks or eggs, either in a tree or on the ground along the road, and the mother is sitting on the chicks or eggs, you must not take the mother along with the young. 7 You may take the young, but be sure to let the mother go, so that it may be well with you and that you may prolong your days.

8 If you build a new house, you are to construct a railing around your roof, so that you do not bring bloodguilt on your house if someone falls from it.

9 Do not plant your vineyard with two types of seed; if you do, the entire harvest will be defiled [5]—both the crop you plant and the fruit of your vineyard.

10 Do not plow with an ox and a donkey yoked together.

11 Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together.

12 You are to make tassels on the four corners of the cloak you wear.

Marriage Violations

13 Suppose a man marries a woman, has relations with her, and comes to hate her, 14 and he then accuses her of shameful conduct and gives her a bad name, saying, “I married this woman and had relations with her, but I discovered she was not a virgin.”

  1. 21 Cited in 1 Corinthians 5:13
  2. 22 Or impale his body on a pole; similarly in verse 23
  3. 23 LXX; Hebrew anyone who is hanged is under God’s curse; cited in Galatians 3:13
  4. 1 Or you must not hide yourself
  5. 9 Or will be forfeited to the sanctuary