Page:Hymns for the Lord's Resurrection.djvu/3

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LORD's Resurrection.


1.ALL ye that seek the Lord who died,
Your GOD for Sinners crucified,
Prevent the earliest Dawn, and come
To worship at his sacred Tomb.

2Bring the sweet Spices of your Sighs,
Your contrite Hearts, and streaming Eyes,
Your sad Complaints, and humble Fears;
Come, and embalm Him with your Tears.

3While thus ye love your Souls t'employ,
Your Sorrow shall be turn'd to Joy:
Now, let all your Grief be o'er!
Believe; and ye shall weep no more.

4An Earthquake hath the Cavern shook,
And burst the Door, and rent the Rock;
The Lord hath sent his Angel down,
And he hath rolled away the Stone.