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Of Grace guarded by Humility.

He acts not very discreetly, who wholly gives himself over to spiritual joy, forgetting his former helplessness, and that chastened fear of the Lord, which is afraid of losing the grace which hath been offered.

Nor again is he very valiantly wise who, in time of adversity or any heaviness, at once yields too much to despairing thoughts, and reflects and thinks of Me lest trustfully than he ought.

4. He who in time of peace is willing to be over secure shall be often found in time of war too much dejected and full of fears.

If thou couldest continue humble and moderate within thyself, and also couldest thoroughly govern and moderate thy spirit, thou wouldst not so quickly fall into danger and offence.

It is good counsel, that when fervour of spirit is kindled within thee, thou shouldst consider how it will be, when that light shall leave thee.

And when this happens, remember that the light may return again, which, as a warning to thyself, and for Mine own glory, I have withdrawn for a time.

5. Such trials are oftentimes more profitable, than if thou shouldst always have things prosper according to thy will.

For a man's worthiness is not to be estimated by the number of visions and comforts which he may have, or by his skill in the Scriptures, or by his being placed in a high station.

But if he be grounded in true humility, and full of divine charity; if he be always purely and sincerely