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Of God's Love in the Holy Sacrament.

antly poured down, and Thy gracious humility more eminently set forth.

Since therefore it is Thy pleasure, and Thou hast commanded that it should be so, this Thy condescension also much pleaseth me, and would that mine iniquity might be no hindrance!

2. O most sweet and merciful Jesu, how great reverence and thanksgiving, together with perpetual praise, is due unto Thee for the receiving of Thy sacred body and blood, whose preciousness no mortal is able to express!

But on what shall my thoughts dwell at this communion, in thus approaching unto my Lord, Whom I am not able duly to honour, and yet Whom I cannot but desire devoutly to receive?

3. What can I think on better, and more profitable, than utterly to humble myself before Thee, and to exalt Thine infinite goodness above me?

I praise Thee, my God, and will exalt Thee for ever. I do despise myself, and cast myself down before Thee, into the deep of my unworthiness.

Behold, Thou art the Holy of Holies, and I the scum of sinners!

Behold, Thou inclinest Thyself unto me, who am not worthy so much as to look up unto Thee!

Behold, Thou comest unto me; it is Thy will to be with me; Thou invitest me to Thy banquet.

Thou art willing to give me heavenly food and bread of angels to eat, which is indeed no other than Thyself the living bread, which camest down from heaven, and gavest life unto the world.

4. Behold, from whence doth this love proceed!