Page:O'Donnell - Hail Holy Queen 01 - Our Country's Queen.djvu/7

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expression. They serve as a base for a spiritual regeneration.

Hence, there is still hope, and that hope may be further strengthened if we but have recourse to Mary, the Mother of God, Queen of this nation, Queen of all nations, Queen of Peace. On bended knee, we ask thee, O Mary, to have compassion on a war-sick, weary, confused world. We are willing to undergo our daily Calvary, if you will but tap for us the eternal well-spring of Redemption and let flow the rivulets of grace on your sons and daughters who have forgotten their Creator and Redeemer, the true source of all help and strength. And although we know that we have not here a "lasting city," that we seek, "one that is above," still we beseech thee to ask your Divine Son to give us surcease from strife, bickering, and conflict among nations, so that a breath of peace may come again to this tired and heart-sick world. To this end, we pledge a daily recitation of your canticle of love, hope and intercession. "Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope."