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SILKS, SATINS, CAGHEMIRES, MERINOS, VELVETS, KID VELVETEENS On m lencth). CLOTH, SILK, and SEALSKIN HAITTLES, Fur-Lined Circuur Cloaks, urn Fur Tippets aid Guffs. OH EAST TEAMS OF FUBCHASS, OK fOK CASH. CEO. BANFIELD & CO.'S CO-OPEEATITE DRESS AND MANTLE OLUB. Tan &ttentiOD of tiia pnblie is paitiaiil&Tlr drawn to ths fwt that than U no liahililT whatnTSr attMihed to tliis Clnb, neither are members, u in Watd and other Cluba, enbjeat to Qneg ; on the oonttar;, ui «meigetio parton oonld nuthe a oonsiderabls addition to his or hex income bj bsooming a member. (Cbe " Adnntages," No. i, pafs 7, in book of partionlaia.) Entrance Fee, Is. Subseriptions from 2$.per week. Messrs. GEO. BANFIELD & CO., 148,' Oheapside, Xjondon, E.O. ThoBianda of Beferanoee, Testimomida, and Oplnloiia of the Frees.