Page:Once a Week Volume 8.djvu/93

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Jan. 17, 1863.]


(⁂ See remarks prefixed to the first of these papers, Vol. VII., page 617.)

Section VIII. Conclusion.

There now only remains for me, in conclusion, to sum up as briefly and succinctly as possible the evidence contained in the preceding statements. In so doing, it will be necessary to adopt an arrangement somewhat different from that which has been hitherto followed. Each step of the narrative will therefore be accompanied with a marginal reference to the particular deposition from which it may be taken.

First then, for what may be called the preliminary portions of the evidence. With these we I.need here deal but very briefly. They consist almost entirely of letters furnished by the courtesy of a near relation of the late Mrs. Anderton, and read as follows:

vol. viii.
No. 186.