Page:One hundred & one sandwiches.djvu/33

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(Symbol missingsymbol characters) GRAPE

TAKE the large thin-skin white grapes; skin, cut lengthwise and slip out the seeds. Peel and slice nice sour apples, and cut white celery very thin. Toss all up in French dressing and spread between long narrow strips of white bread.


TAKE the large sweet bell-pepper; remove seeds and chop fine. Mix with thick, well-seasoned mayonnaise, and add ateaspoonful of onion-juice. Spread on dry, crisp lettuce leaves and put between thin slices of buttered bread.


FOUR tablespoonfuls of grated horseradish, one tablespoonful of lemon-juice, three tablespoonfuls butter. Cream the butter, and add horseradish and lemon and spread between thin slices of Graham bread.


LAY a crisp lettuce leaf sprinkled with salt between thin slices of bread. Spread with mayonnaise dressing.