Page:One hundred & one sandwiches.djvu/83

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(Symbol missingsymbol characters) GRUYÈRE

CUT Gruyère cheese into thin slices; lay it on thin slices of brown bread. Fix an equal number of pieces of bread, spread with French mustard, and press the two together.


SPREAD brown bread with cottage cheese, seasoned with melted butter, salt, and a little cream. Place a thin layer of butter on two slices of white bread, cut to fit the brown, put one on the side which has the cheese. Spread the other side of the brown bread with French mustard, and add to this side the other slice of white bread. Garnish the top of each sandwich with an olive cut in half.


TAKE four tablespoonfuls of grated cheese and rub to a smooth paste with two tablespoonfuls of butter; one-half teaspoonful each of salt and dry mustard, a dash of tabasco, and a teaspoonful of anchovy paste moistened with vinegar. Spread between thin slices of dry toast.