Page:Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1900.djvu/1088

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Jago, Richard, 452.

James I (King of Scotland), 15.

Johnson, Samuel, 450, 451.

Jones, Ebenezer, 745.

Jones, Sir William, 478.

Jonson, Ben, 184-194.

Jordan, Thomas, 335.

Keats, John, 623-637.

Keble, John, 620.

Kendall, Henry Clarence, 827.

King, Henry (Bishop of Chichester), 278-280.

Kingsley, Charles, 739, 740.

Kipling, Rudyard, 865-867.

Lamb, Charles, 577-579.

Lamb, Mary, 511.

Landor, Walter Savage, 557-576.

Lang, Andrew, 841.

Le Gallienne, Richard, 868, 869.

Lindsay, Lady Anne, 477.

Locker-Lampson, Frederick, 746.

Lodge, Thomas, 97-100.

Logan, John, 476.

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 689.

Lovelace, Richard, 343-348.

Lydgate, John, 14.

Lyly, John, 85, 86.

Lyttelton, Lord, 449.

Lytton, Earl of, 794, 795.

Macaulay, Lord, 657.

MacDonald, George, 770.

Mahony, Francis, 677.

Mangan, James Clarence, 664, 665.

Mannyng, Robert, of Brunne, 8.

Marlowe, Christopher, 121.

Marvell, Andrew, 355-361.

Mayne, Jasper, 296.

Melcombe, Lord, 443.

Meredith, George, 772-776.

Meynell, Alice, 879, 880.

Milton, John, 307-324.

Montgomerie, Alexander, 48.

Montrose, Marquis of, 334.

Moore, Thomas, 582-585.

Moore, T. Sturge, 874.

Morris, William, 800-802.

Munday, Anthony, 87.

Nairne, Carolina Lady, 512.

Nashe, Thomas, 166, 167.

Newbolt, Henry, 860.

Noel, Roden Berkeley Wriothesley, 803, 804.

Norton, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah, 692.

Oldham, John, 420.

Oldys, William, 438.

O'Reilly, John Boyle, 831.

O'Shaughnessy, Arthur William Edgar, 828-830.

Otway, Thomas, 419.

Pagan, Isobel, 473.

Parker, Gilbert, 861.

Parnell, Thomas, 436.

Patmore, Coventry, 760-764.

Peacock, Thomas Love, 593-595.

Peele, George, 101, 102.

Philips, Katherine ('Orinda'), 397.

Philpot, William, 757.

Poe, Edgar Allan, 694-696.

Pope, Alexander, 440-442.

Praed, Winthrop Mackworth, 660.

Prior, Matthew, 422-428.

Quarles, Francis, 276, 277.