Page:Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1900.djvu/434

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'But I'm the lass of Lochroyan,
  That's sailing on the sea
To see if I can find my love,
  My ain love Gregory.'

'O see na ye yon bonny bower?
  It's a' covered owre wi' tin;
When thou hast sail'd it round about,
  Lord Gregory is within.'

And when she saw the stately tower,
  Shining both clear and bright,
Whilk stood aboon the jawing wave,
  Built on a rock of height,

Says, 'Row the boat, my mariners,
  And bring me to the land,
For yonder I see my love's castle,
  Close by the salt sea strand.'

She sail'd it round, and sail'd it round,
  And loud and loud cried she,
'Now break, now break your fairy charms,
  And set my true-love free.'

She's ta'en her young son in her arms.
  And to the door she's gane,
And long she knock'd, and sair she ca'd.
  But answer got she nane.

'O open, open, Gregory!
  O open! if ye be within;
For here's the lass of Lochroyan,
  Come far fra kith and kin.