Page:Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1900.djvu/467

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Up then crew the red, red cock,
  And up and crew the gray;
The eldest to the youngest said.
  Tis time we were away.' The cock he hadna craw'd but once, And clapp'd his wings at a', When the youngest to the eldest said, 'Brother, we must awa'. 'The cock doth craw, the day doth daw, The channerin' worm doth chide; Gin we be miss'd out o' our place, A sair pain we maun bide.' 'Lie still, lie still but a little wee while, Lie still but if we may; Gin my mother should miss us when she wakes, She'll go mad ere it be day.' 'Fare ye weel, my mother dear! Fareweel to barn and byre! And fare ye weel, the bonny lass That kindles my mother's fire!'

378. channerin'] fretting. 379. The Three Ravens

There were three ravens sat on a tree,
They were as black as they might be.

The one of them said to his make,
'Where shall we our breakfast take?'

379. make] mate.