Page:Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1918.djvu/485

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  • O what are you seeking, you seven fair maids,

All under the leaves of life? Come tell, come tell, what seek you

All under the leaves of life?'

'We're seeking for no leaves, Thomas,

But for a friend of thine; We're seeking for sweet Jesus Christ,

To be our guide and thine.'

'Go down, go down, to yonder town,

And sit in the gallery, And there you'll see sweet Jesus Christ

Nail'd to a big yew-tree.'

So down they went to yonder town

As fast as foot could fall, And many a grievous bitter tear

From the virgins' eyes did fall.

O peace, Mother, O peace, Mother,

Your weeping doth me grieve: I must suffer this,' He said,

'For Adam and for Eve.

C O Mother, take you John Evangelist

All for to be your son, And he will comfort you sometimes,

Mother, as I have done.'

'O come, thou John Evangelist,

Thou'rt welcome unto me; But more welcome my own dear Son,

Whom I nursed on my knee.'

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