Page:PMLP213617-Julian-DictionaryOfHymnology A-O.djvu/14

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( xvi )

in a MS. of the 11th cent., later MSS., unless of special importance, are not mentioned, References to a large number of MSS. in Continental Libraries will also be found in the notes on the individual Latin hymns, and at p. 813. These MSS. are mostly in the Bibliothèque Nationale and the Arsenal at Paris the Siftsbibliothek at St. Gall, the Vatican Library at Rome, the Ambrosian at Milan, the Royal Libraries at Berlin and Munich, and the Libraries at Wolfenbüttel, Darmstadt, Einsiedeln, Zürich, &c. Besides these, various MSS. found in other libraries are cited through the works of Daniel, Mone and Dreves.

II. English MSS.

The English MSS. which have been largely used in this work, and especially by the Editor in the unsigned articles and those with his signature appended thereto, include the following groups:—

  1. C. MSS.R. Campbell's MSS.Property of Mrs. E. Campbell,
  2. D. MSS.P. Doddridge's MSS.Property of the Rooker family.
  3. E. MSS.The Editor's MSS.Property of the Church House.
  4. G. MSS.T. H. Gill's MSS.Property of the Church House.
  5. H. MSS.W. J. Hall's MSS.Property of the Hall family.
  6. Hav. MSS.The Havergal MSS.Property of the Havergal family.
  7. Mid. MSS.A. Midlane's MSS.Property of the Church House.
  8. M. MSS.J. Montgomery's MSS.Property of J. H. Brammall, Esq.
  9. R. MSS.T. Raffles's MSS.Property of the Raffles family,
  10. S. MSS.D. Sedgwick's MSS.Property of the Church House, Westminster.
  11. Sc. MSS.Elizabeth Scott's MSS.Property of Yale University, U.S.A.