Page:PMLP213617-Julian-DictionaryOfHymnology A-O.djvu/6

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( viii )

7. The task of amassing the information necessary for fulness of detail and accuracy has been great, but it has been lightened considerably by the aid given, willingly and cheerfully, by a large body of correspondents, to whom personal acknowledgment has been made for their generous assistance.

8. It is again a privilege and a duty to record with gratitude the-co-operation of the Contributors whose signatures are appended to their respective articles, amongst whom the Rev. James Mearns, M.A., the Assistant Editor, is the most important. His minute and careful research in all departments of hymnological literature has greatly enriched the New Supplement, and contributed much towards its general accuracy and fulness of detail.

Topcliffe Vicarage,
July, 1907.